Reviews from

in the past

I won't say anything new. This is Shadow of Mordor, but bigger. And at the same time better, because it develops further many aspects from that game. However, those who don't like overwhelming open worlds may have a problem with Shadow of War. It really is a big production. Side activities are numerous, and you need to spend some hours on the campaign itself. I myself have a growing problem with open worlds, but the second Middle-earth game from Monolith kept me clinging to it. If you liked the formula from Shadow of Mordor, you'll find yourself just fine here. Repetitiveness creeps in relatively quickly, but the Nemesis system and the improvements made here make the loop surprisingly enjoyable. Fatigue creeps in only in the 4th act, which I found awful in various ways, though it's scary to think that it used to be even worse. This is also a good time to say that it's not worth expecting anything good from the plot. This is a silly fanfic. And it would be even worse if one hoped for it to stay true to Tolkien's work. Oh boy, this is definitely not it. I, fortunately, had no problem with it. What I found weak wass simply the script itself. Also, even if there are needed moments of rest from the constant gameplay, I won't hide the fact that the cutscenes didn't know how to keep me interested despite good direction. Shadow of War's problems in general can be big, and at times I was afraid if they would ruin the game for me, but I still had a lot of fun.