Reviews from

in the past

Lowkey a really underrated co-op game

Divertido, mas nada demais
esse jogo acaba sendo algo legal mas que puxa um potencial de trabalho enorme do jogo original

Pretty cool game, tho I wish it had more to do in it.

Joguei bem no começo, foi divertida a experiência. Diablo com Minecraft. Legal.

I play this exclusively at my friends house and i am goated at it

This game is even strange to think about how incredible it is, even if this game didn't have Minecraft in its name, it would still be one of the best games, extremely fun and addictive for anyone interested in games in this style, a mix of Hades and Diablo, even if you show it to someone who doesn't like Minecraft, they will love this game

com um compincha e divertido platinar esse jogo

Would grind more but was in my wow phase

The game is fun but they barred off so much content with dlc and the switch port is awful with constant frame rate problems.

é um bom jogo, mas eu sempre jogava sozinho então isso afetou minha experiência

Infelizmente um jogo que n consigo jogar, mesmo com varias qualidades eu n consigo jogar esse jogo por mais de 30 minutos sem um pausa.

Playing this game with friends is simply amazing, it's an adventure that took more than 150 hours of my life and was worth every second, strengthening, facing bosses, exploring the scenarios, and assembling a great team, that made this game unforgettable.

Gostei pra caramba da estética desse aqui, até cheguei a encontrar um mano que tinha uns itens muito roubados, aí virou doença pura a gameplay

We all have that one game, right? The dreaded "least favorite game of all time"? Well here it is, Minecraft Dungeons. I was incredibly hyped for this game when it was first announced, I was a massive Minecraft fan and while I hadn't played Diablo before, D&D and other fantasy settings were some of the most awesome stuff I could think of. It came out, I bought it a couple days later, and absolutely hated it.

It's just so fucking boring, man. Never have I ever had this little to appreciate about a game before, it meant nothing to me. This wasn't a Minecraft game, it was the most barebones dungeon crawler ever designed, with a Minecraft coat hastily slapped on top. I'm never coming back to this game.

Dungeon crawler set in the Minecraft universe.

Definietly the best minecraft game outside of Minecraft itself (example Minecraft story mode, Minecraft Legends, etc)

A boring dungeon crawler with a minecraft skin. Played a little of it for giggles but it wasn't very interesting. It feels pretty decent and it's a very glossy, satisfying minecraftish presentation but I knew going in I wasn't going to care much about it. If you absolutely love minecraft it may be a simple little casual game to enjoy