Reviews from

in the past

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Loved the melancholic atmosphere, and especially the cab driver's monologue in the end. Man, what a great game.

En muchos aspectos, la obra cumbre de Sad3d. Su capacidad para trasladar la alienación e inutilidad del mundo contemporáneo al entorno 3D, pasando por miles de tradiciones (desde el motor Source hasta la época actual de Backrooms) y aterrizando con un mensaje sobre el mundo actual que sólo aumentará en relevancia cuanto peor vayan las cosas.


Sad3d's crowning achievement, in several ways. Its ability to translate the alienation and futility of contemporary society on a 3D environment, going through thousands of traditions (from the Source engine to the current Backrooms era) and landing with a story about today's world that will only increase in relevance the worse things get.

push me to the edge, all my friends are dead