Reviews from

in the past

this is so good its unbelievable

Nier Automata é uma maturação muito bem pensada das ideias do Yoko Taro, dessa vez casando mais refinadamente os elementos "convencionais" de videogame com as histórias e temas que ele quer contar e discutir.

Por trás de cada aspecto desse jogo existe uma intencionalidade muito visível e tudo se conecta a uma mensagem que respeita a capacidade interpretativa do jogador e ao mesmo tempo expressa de forma linda as respostas e perguntas que Yoko Taro tem em sua mente.

Poderia um robô ser humano, ou melhor... Poderia um humano ser humano? Se a humanidade é intrínseca ou se ela se aprende e se significa, Nier Automata de qualquer forma é um grito humanista, nas suas faces mais belas até as mais perturbadoras.

Glory to Mankind.

More 3rd person games should use the camera as expressively as Nier does

I have too much to say about this game to condense it into a review like this. But the style, design, music, and story really add up to make this something really really special. But that is only if you give it the time it needs to get its hooks into you much like Nier Replicant. The story isn't always what it seems the first time around, and if you look deep enough the themes get really philosophical. I still find myself thinking about this game and I completed it well over a month ago at this point.

Probably the most well written story in gaming. Both Nier games have the ability to make me feel a very palpable despair that I have not experienced in media otherwise.

Automata is an interesting one, as in people don’t always look beyond the sex appeal and the fantastic combat to look at the deeper story - which can be seen by some of the other reviews. Which I get, to be fair.

Little did I know that picking this weird looking game up on game pass years ago would lead me down an entire rabbit hole that has led to me becoming an avid fan of this series for countless reasons.

I have loads to say but I’ll keep it short: the music? INCREDIBLE. The characters? INCREDIBLE. The gameplay? INCREDIBLE. Performances, the setting and replay value are also incredible, but you should play this game for yourself; a game of emotional highs and lows like valleys and mountains, don’t be surprised if you shed a tear or two… or dozens.

gooning with a good story.

Go back to before I bought this and tell my I'll be beating it 3 times and I will laugh at you.

6 years later and this game is still so special. I wanted to replay this one and I actually enjoyed this more the second time. I think I was too dumb of a 17 year old to understand it properly, and boy am I glad I did.

First off, the characters are excellent. 2B, 9S and A2 are all my children that go through such real, emotion filled arcs. Nier Automata is one of those few pieces of media that absolutely nails exploring its themes in truly meaningful, deep and thought-provoking ways. From simple things like using plenty of characters named after philosophers and having them be tied to their branch of thought, to more moving questions, like truly questioning our sense of meaning and where we should or should not derive it from.

The story itself, especially the second half is pretty good. Being thrown into this android filled wasteland is such an interesting concept with some super compelling lore. And along the way you’ll meet some hilarious cute robots pals too! Even the side quests are very weird in that they are almost always fetch quests, but they also feel rewarding? The gameplay itself is not exciting but the character interactions and stories add a great sense of a living world that really explores the games lore and themes, as well as subtly adding to the main characters themselves.

The music is absolutely phenomenal and in contest for best OST of all time. I still want to cry every time I hear Weight of the World.

While Combat is pretty good, it’s a little undercooked for what you come to expect from Platinum Games. This is alright, as combat is still enjoyable, but I would have liked a little more meat here. Also, having to replay most of the first route for ending B is just pretty lame. It’s a shame that the game has these glaring issues, as they really do put a stain on it’s otherwise glowing image. If route B was considerably shorter, I’d be rating this game considerably higher too.

Ultimately the game leaves a little to be desired and is not for everyone. But Automata provided me with a great time - a fun story, brilliant characters, flashy combat, introspection, and perhaps the best ending in any videogame I’ve played.

That ending E hits hard.

You are not alone.

I produced two albums inspired by this game, especially by the music of Keiichi Okabe and found a job in the gaming industry later on

So yea this game changed my life forever

A game that truly changed the way I think about video games and what they can be. I am forever indebted to Yoko Taro's vision.

The most unique experience I have ever had in a game. The way the story is told is truly something special.

2b's thighs are already miles ahead of valorant

The combat is a little repetitive and tiresome, there is no challenge, but It's one of the best game soundtracks that I've already heard

Great music, great story, great philosophical questions, great combat, great finale, great credit sequence. This game has it all. I need to replay this game sometime.

i fucking love this game man the ost, the characters, the quests, why have i been dismissing this for so long

went full completionist on this game and it was SO worth it. first off, the soundtrack is fucking amazing. I listen to it every day in my free time, no joke, it's just THAT good. the story is a masterpiece too. I've always been really into the concept of tying human emotions in with machines, and this game portrayed the concepts of nihilism and the point of life in general in a way that was both heartbreaking and healing (with ending E). Fuck everyone who reduces 2B's character to a sex doll, play the game dude.

This game felt mad short felt like I just met the alien duo and then in like 29 min later I beat then I was so lost when I finished the game.

so fun!! have no clue what the story is about but the gameplay is great!

Quando achar que acabou, continue, só melhora. O final é uma experiência diferente de qualquer outra. Mudou a forma que eu vejo o mundo.

Daria 5* só pela musica do caralho q esse jogo tem
a gameplay é boa e a história é poesia
tem duas gostosona tb

A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself.

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