Reviews from

in the past

Bof, que bonito.

Ahora que lo revieweo, me recuerda al estilo de avanzar del FAR, little nightmares, ya sabes, ver un juego 3D desde un punto de vista lateral 2D.

Este lo que destaca es que es, purificacion de corazon, basicamente. Bonitos visuales, bonita historia, el puto gato es la hostia.

Very nice to look at with lots of cool ideas for a puzzle platformer. The cat-like companion is especially memorable and both the story and quick finish time really worked well for me.

A lot of the mechanics become pretty repetitive and most of the difficulty comes from unresponsive controls. They really need to patch the drone robot controls to improve this game's legacy. It was bad enough to die repeatedly because the hovering sensitivity was inconsistent, but repeatedly killing my beloved cat-alien? Devastating to the experience.

A very beautiful game. Reminds me of Limbo and Inside. A formula ive seen before, but still enjoy. Doesn't overstay its welcome and its a very heartwarming experience. Was a nice lil 2 and a half hours of my time. W gamepass.

Confesso que não botei muita fé no começo do jogo, pensei que seria só uma copia repetitiva de Inside, com as mesmas mecânicas, mas o jogo calou a minha boca.
Do meio pro fim o jogo melhora muuito, fiquei surpreso no quanto ele ficou emocionante e frenético. A arte também é bem bonita e os puzzles também me impressionaram já que eles conseguiram ser bem criativos.
Tem uns enigmas muito interessantes que te fazem pensar mais um pouco, e que me deixaram preso algumas vezes KKKK. As partes frenéticas também são muito empolgantes, te fazem pensar rápido no calor do momento.
A gameplay dura menos de 10 horas e se você já jogou Inside e gostou da proposta, provável que goste desse também!

Comecei a jogar porque é focado em puzzles, mas possui alguns puzzles não focado em mecânicas — o que tirou alguns pontos — e perdi progresso por conta de um bug.

Planet of Lana is a beautiful, engrossing little 2.5D puzzle-platformer. Clearly inspired visually by the works of Studio Ghibli and mechanically by Playdead's Limbo and INSIDE, it comes pretty close to its inspirations, though falls a bit short on the gameplay side of things.

The premise, and really the rest of the story are simple - a young girl named Lana watches her tribe and family get swept away by a horde of otherworldly robotic drones and now must trek across the lands to get them back - all with the help of a newfound friend; a small, adorable creature named Mui. From here, there's a mix of worldbuilding, environmental storytelling and bonding between the two characters as they travel across the planet together.

It's not exactly groundbreaking and surely there are others that tell the same story better but the charming characters and gorgeous art direction really carries the whole thing.

As I mentioned, the gameplay is a bit of a lacklustre affair in Planet of Lana. It's not bad, in fact it's mostly decent since it largely provides the same puzzle-platforming thrills as found in Limbo and INSIDE. However, the puzzles in question aren't really engaging or varied enough, at least until the last few chapters of the game.

Besides that, there aren't really that many new mechanics or much variety introduced throughout. Most of what you do in the first hour or so continues for the next 2 and a half. For a game you can finish in an afternoon, you'd perhaps expect it to be all killer, no filler, but alas.

As it stands though, Planet of Lana is a game where you come for the gorgeous art direction, stay for the worldbuilding, environments and cute characters and just go through the motions with the puzzles and platforming. It's certainly a case where the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses, but they are indeed present.


It's very beautiful, but admittedly I didn't feel any of the narrative emotional beats much. The music was grand and impressive when it was playing, but there were also long stretches of nothing. The puzzles were fine, but I have to echo the criticism that INSIDE did the format a little better. It's still a gorgeous piece of art, but that is where most of the enjoyment is found in this game.