Reviews from

in the past

super solid game can't wait for pony island 2

Of all the meta games and such, this is the worst one.

A fun experience that subverts expectations and messes with the player in some fun and unique ways. If you want to experience everything you'll really have to go out of your way to do so, and how to do so is not very obvious at times. Cool art, okay gameplay that serves its purpose well enough, and a pretty nice soundtrack.

This game breaks the fourth wall in a way that I've never seen before. Yes: I panicked.

I mean it's okay, dan mullins other games are all awesome but this one feels a bit half baked, good effort for his first "popular" game for sure, definitely looking forward to pony island 2

there's 1 part of this game that goes really hard and maybe like 2 others that are kind of novel and the rest of it feels like a bog standard Game Jolt .exe fangame with higher production value

Es un poco esperable, pero tiene un par de situaciones chulas y que no te las ves venir.

asmodeus tricked me every damn time.

Decent, but probably would of been better to play before I played Inscryption. Inscryption honestly improves on everything Pony Island sets out to achieve.

gli altri giochi suoi sono molto più belli

Daniel Mullins is a very smart game developer and writer and this is one of his first exploits as a designer. You can definitely see the wear and tear of his initial attempt at this kind of game, it doesn't show the polish in gameplay and narrative that The Hex and Inscryption show, but it's definitely a fun and short little experience that I could see myself returning to again in the future.

The game is fun and the metanarrative is intriguing. Doesn't tread too far into new waters, but it does stay within an established formula well(in terms of meta, 4th-wall-breaking games).