Reviews from

in the past

Does what it does, well. Nothing hugely new or innovative for the genre, but fun nonetheless.

Pure fun, every step, slide, bash, and triggerpull feels incredible. Great rougelite shooter

very fun, amazing soundtrack, and good coop

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Roboquest is a game for the FPS adrenaline junkies. High-octane encounters with 6 different classes and tons of guns to choose from make for an incredibly fun experience. Controls are smooth and fluid meaning you can jump, grapple, and jetpack your way out of any sticky situation you might find yourself in. Classes are just different enough that they feel familiar while allowing each run to feel unique. Oh, did I mention the absolutely killer soundtrack?

100%: Completing the Museum will be the longest stretch, but luckily you can use golden wrenches to buy any weapon/enemy cards that you're having trouble finding. There are a couple of co-op achievements you'll need a bro-bot for, too.

NOTE: only played the demo

great graphics and solid gameplay but i'd rather play gunfire reborn

Have a few hours on Robo Quest and is a fun experience, it definetly keeps you engaged

Possibly the best shooter Roguelike out there? Bursting with colour, guns and the feeling of zen that comes by never stopping your feet on the ground or finger on the trigger. With some updates to improve the variety to the game I think it could be boosted into the truly great Roguelikes. (And it has had a free content update since I last played it)

fun and fluid fps rogue-lite, which only suffers from poor co-op difficulty scaling

Pure adrenaline, Doom (2016) esque roguelike, your fat brother thinks it's too cutesy and would call you gay if he saw you playing it and would immediately return to yelling at Warzone


To me, it felt like an upgrade to Gunfire Reborn in almost every way. The movement feels way more fluid and with the use of gadgets you can literally fly through some of the stages. Gun and enemy variety is also there and at the higher difficulties the game actually becomes a good challenge.

But what irks me the most about this game, and it's a complaint I had about Gunfire Reborn as well, is that so many of the higher rarity items follow this blue print:

"Increases (some random stat) by a marginal amount but now there's a percent chance that your head blows up when opening a door."

Here's one directly from the game: "Deals 22 cryo damage to enemies damaging you but taking damage has 10% chance to freeze you."

WHY WOULD I PICK THIS UP? I ALREADY DON'T WANT TO GET HIT WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ITEMS ABOUT GETTING HIT. I still don't think any roguelike I've played has done the "get this but lose this" kind of item balancing as well as Lunar items in ROR2.

Both this game and Gunfire Reborn feel like they're filled with them and they always feel useless to the point I almost never pick them up. I don't think they're very fun in this game and tend to pollute the loot pool.

Other than that though the game is pretty solid, but I must mention how B.S. the second phase of the final boss is, literally like 4 different "fuck you" attacks.