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Roboquest is a game for the FPS adrenaline junkies. High-octane encounters with 6 different classes and tons of guns to choose from make for an incredibly fun experience. Controls are smooth and fluid meaning you can jump, grapple, and jetpack your way out of any sticky situation you might find yourself in. Classes are just different enough that they feel familiar while allowing each run to feel unique. Oh, did I mention the absolutely killer soundtrack?

100%: Completing the Museum will be the longest stretch, but luckily you can use golden wrenches to buy any weapon/enemy cards that you're having trouble finding. There are a couple of co-op achievements you'll need a bro-bot for, too.

NOTE: only played the demo

great graphics and solid gameplay but i'd rather play gunfire reborn

Have a few hours on Robo Quest and is a fun experience, it definetly keeps you engaged

A decently fun FPS roguelike but the one thing that stands out and actually bothers me is that there’s not enough variety in the levels or guns on subsequent runs that make it feel like no two run is the same, which is what I think is important for roguelikes.

Fun game but gets very repetitive, love the mechanics of it but I started to get bored even though I kept getting new powerups and classes. Roboquest wasn't exactly the game for me, I'm very glad I got to play it through the PC Gamepass instead of buying it on Steam.

Probably the only other Roguelike that has hooked me

ideia muito legal, da pra passar varias horas jogando ele.
ele suporta multiplayer, que é uma proposta mt boa pra esse jogo, pena que tanto na beta do jogo e msm depois do jogo ter saido, tive problemas pra conectar pra jogar com meu amigo, e ai tive que desistir do jogo. mas alem disso é bom

Good af. Fast paced but can be done in short bursts. Great soundtrack.

A more enjoyable rougelike, but far too grindy for me. I'm here to play and beat games, not waste my life away doing the same shit over and over again.

Roboquest does a great job of being fun - even though its execution of a roguelike, first-person, canyon shooter isn't maybe quite as good as you'd want it to be.

Jumping into a new run and firing away at dozens of little robots with a new type of gun each round is entertaining and the whole vibe of the game has a really playful feel. I love the concept and I think the visual style is great, the downside for me was that the upgrades felt a little slow to get going and runs didn't start to feel unique very quickly - which is what this sort of game needs to stay fresh!

One of the most fun sleeper hits in 2023, featuring fluid movements, a nice and large arsenal, and really fun blast-jumping on top. All classes feel and play distinct from one another, with whole upgrade trees which branches out to a different focus, akin to a borderlands character.

While it is a roguelike-FPS, it leans significantly more into its "FPS"-part, meaning that you still have show a lot of skill to get through a run, although RNG still makes a significant difference, just not as much as, say, Gunfire Reborn where you can get extremely overpowered.

The stages are decent and distinct form one another, and filled with a ton of secrets, collectibles, secret stages, etc.

My main gripe is simply how runs can blend together if you do several in a row (which you'll most likely do given its a roguelike), and the difficulty spiking a lot towards the end as a single mistake can end up with getting hit by several overlapping grenades which costs you almost all your health or a run.

One of those sleeper indie hits I couldn't get enough of.

I struggle to get into movement shooters, something just never clicks but this one had me from go. The music has a lot to do with that. It plays a subtle more quiet version of the music before you start the run. When you open the door it transitions into the full song which is usually like if Doom (2016) had more rock undertones than metal.

An absolute delight from weapon and enemy design to the headstomps to the progression. I'm glad they're continuing to add it as well.

It's entertaining roguelite where you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots, and you fight robots and you fight robots.

A very fun FPS roguelike in the vein of something like Deadlink, but with an obvious visual inspiration from Borderlands and other cell-shaded games.

Empezando por lo basico, Roboquest es un rogue-lite FPS con un gameplay que mezcla las arenas de Doom con el gunplay de Overwatch, lo cual hace un juego muy satisfactorio de jugar.

Doble salto, esquivar balas, grindar barras para moverte mas rapido... todo ello mientras limpias arenas a base de tiros con unas armas muy diferenciadas que cambias constantemente en la run (junto a sus propios modificadores haciendolas mas unicas) y unas mejoras que obtendras al subir de nivel con la experiencia de matar esos enemigos.

Es un juego que viene de un early access y se nota para bien, todo da la sensacion de estar muy pulido y muy pensado, desde lo claro que son los menus y el aspecto visual para no perderte en el campo de batalla como las propias mejoras y las builds que le puedes hacer a cada personaje, haciendo un juego facil de entender pero dificil de dominar.

Por poner un punto negativo, tal vez podrian ser un poco mas claros tambien en los secretos a lo largo de las runs, ya que son bastante necesarios de cara al enfrentamiento final.

Quitando eso, grandisimo juego tanto como FPS como por rogue.

Pure adrenaline, Doom (2016) esque roguelike, your fat brother thinks it's too cutesy and would call you gay if he saw you playing it and would immediately return to yelling at Warzone


To me, it felt like an upgrade to Gunfire Reborn in almost every way. The movement feels way more fluid and with the use of gadgets you can literally fly through some of the stages. Gun and enemy variety is also there and at the higher difficulties the game actually becomes a good challenge.

But what irks me the most about this game, and it's a complaint I had about Gunfire Reborn as well, is that so many of the higher rarity items follow this blue print:

"Increases (some random stat) by a marginal amount but now there's a percent chance that your head blows up when opening a door."

Here's one directly from the game: "Deals 22 cryo damage to enemies damaging you but taking damage has 10% chance to freeze you."

WHY WOULD I PICK THIS UP? I ALREADY DON'T WANT TO GET HIT WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ITEMS ABOUT GETTING HIT. I still don't think any roguelike I've played has done the "get this but lose this" kind of item balancing as well as Lunar items in ROR2.

Both this game and Gunfire Reborn feel like they're filled with them and they always feel useless to the point I almost never pick them up. I don't think they're very fun in this game and tend to pollute the loot pool.

Other than that though the game is pretty solid, but I must mention how B.S. the second phase of the final boss is, literally like 4 different "fuck you" attacks.

Roguelike e fps? Sticker do CARIMBA QUE É TOP!

One of the best FPS Roguelites I've played. Roboquest has the feeling of a Halo game, with the aesthetics of Borderlands/Hi-Fi Rush with a neat little Mega Man premise. A great recipe that is kind of held back by being a rogue-lite.

I love Robots, I love this artsyle, I love great movement , upgrades, choices of classes. This game has it all. It's what you expect from roguelites; Random weapon drops, procedural levels and permadeath with small incremental upgrades.

The gameplay is very good, and if it weren't for the satisfying gunplay, sexy doom-like movement, great aesthetics, this would be just another FPS roguelike in a sea of roguelite indies.

I had my fun with it but I don't have the patience to finish roguelites these days unless you are Shovel Knight Dig or Enter the Gungeon. I may pick it up again one day to complete it as I did really like this one.

Very good fps game to play with friends

Very fun fast paced gameplay. It just needs more variety at this point to make it more replayable

improved a lot from its early access days. it is a fun game, but it is incredibly demanding of your time in order to progress. then again maybe we are just bad idk we did 10+ runs and still cannot even reach the second boss and we barely tickled the upgrades

Roboquest is all of the fun of running Destiny dungeons with some extra roguelite layers on top. The core movement and shooting feels dialed-in expertly, but the run variety just isn't there for me at the moment, and it seems like quite the grind to unlock the meta-currencies required to upgrade runs to a more consistent level. Decently fun but I am going to wait for a few updates to add some variety before I return. Would love to try co-op!

It's a great idea for a roguelite, but the execution is a bit weak. The progression of both the levels and your own power takes a bit too long and there isn't enough variety to make every run feel unique and engaging.

It's a pretty fun roguelite. Game is a bit too easy even on the hardest difficulty. There's no map variance but there is a lot of paths you can take to get to the final boss so nothing gets too stale. Each run takes about 25-40 minutes. There's also a good amount of hidden stuff if you enjoy looking around for collectibles. The build variety is fairly low within each class and 30% of guns aren't worth using. There's technically grind rails but you basically never use them. A fun but short experience.

Me aventurando em mais um roguelike e esse aqui me pegou legal
Curtir muito por ser um fps e as mecânicas do jogo, a fluidez da gameplay, curti muito esse jogo

The first Roguelite I've played that actually knows how to make the genre fun.

First, the game doesn't rely on randomly found items to make gameplay engaging.
Instead, it's carried by a very strong foundation of core gameplay mechanics - good enemy designs, solid movement (after you unlock some of the must-have "gadgets"), fast pace and great weapon feedback. Healing is also a constant part of combat, which means you lose by messing up an encounter instead of the game slowly wearing you down in every fight and refusing to heal you back up.
It's also generally better to pick up a new weapon instead of endlessly upgrading one throughout a run, leading to more variety.

Second, the game has actual level design, not some procedurally generated mess of boring square rooms. Each area is unique and you're the one who chooses where you're going next.

Third, they actually used the run-based structure of a roguelite for something - quests. You'll find items that you can deliver to NPCs in the next run, get a request to see someone while wielding a certain weapon, or need an attack with fire damage to melt an ice cube.
This is the first time I'm aware of that being done to this extent, and as a central part of the game and its progression system.

And with that, Roboquest earns GOAT status and shows how absolutely pathetic the implementations of roguelite mechanics are in nearly every other title.

I typically have a difficult time getting into roguelikes, since it can feel like the core gameplay loop gets stale or lacks that sense of progression. I was repeatedly surprised at how often I wanted to do another run in Roboquest. The concept of finding new paths, weapons, skills, and synergies was incredibly rewarding not only for myself personally, but tangibly in your run. Each class & related skill tree feels well put together and heavily considered, which helped me feel excited to switch things up as opposed to just sticking with "the one build I enjoyed that one time". Bosses felt unique, the art style was strong & consistent, and the small characters you find throughout your runs are cute & fitting. While I did find that after about an hour or so of playing my head would feel like mush due to the fast paced gunplay & soundtrack, it felt like a small price to pay for a game that was going for that high intensity feel in the first place.