Reviews from

in the past

Absolute chaos when the mech ninjas with canon balls decide to vanquish mortals within a 20 meter radius during payload missions, Mister Goh (Ninja) ragdolls away from explosions along with fellow samurai which battle power is only greater than the savage (dumbest enemy in the game), who roam around the woods innocently and gets killed by falling props; bear shows up for the happiness of many and wrecks everything in sight by simply running and being heavy, add them all into a pot and let it cook while you are on assassination mission to get yourself this +9 Shinobido: Way of the Ninja potion that grants the eternal fun buff.

The IP Acquire had to create when they wanted to make a ninja game but sold Tenchu to From Software.

Ahead of it's time, very cool idea of 'ninja life RPG', where you choose the feudal lord you will accept works from in a time of war.

Very good gameplay, with good movement with momentum preservation, wall running and wall jumping, and very fast pace overall, as for example, you can use grappling hook without aiming and while in the air even. Can be wonky sometimes but very satisfying when mastered.

A variety of items with interesting effects, and a whole alchemy and buff/debuff system with potions and the like that you can create your own bombs/potions/bait items.

Really interesting mission editor that you could create custom mission of all sorts and play yourself or possibly have other people play them. (Not very well explored as at the time this game came out, network functions weren't that common so you had to practically have an offline circle of friends to really use this feature to it's fullest)

Cool ambience and character designs, overall amazing game that should return with a PC port re-release or a new game.

Meu primeiro Hitman, o sushi envenenado era op, adorava a parte de montar armadilhas na base

A estética, a gameplay, a ambientação, todos esses fatores me fazem acreditar que este seja um dos melhores jogos que tive a oportunidade de jogar no Playstation 2. Só tive oportunidade de zerar anos depois, quando já me tornei adulto, mas tudo o que descrevi que apreciava quando criança se manteve verdade aos meus olhos veteranos de jogos.