Reviews from

in the past

Came out at a time when I was still in nostalgia mode. But the gameplay is pretty good and music catchy (for being chiptunes). Combine it all with the timing, and I liked this game a lot at the time.

Pixel perfect mega man-esque game. It's a must play for newcomers and veterans into retro or retro-inspired games, and made me hungry for a sequel.

feels weird to say this, because everyone likes it, but shovel knight is one of the most underrated games of the decade. four campaigns of absolutely peak 2d platforming design paired with genuinely great character writing, fun minigames, secrets, and an entirely separate multiplayer mode. it's a crazy amount of content and it's all good!

This game is up there as one of the best 2d platformers of all time

Amazing classic-style platformer with multiple characters that feel amazing to play. My only real issue is that King Knight kinda felt a bit jank and the card game during his campaign can suck my nuts.

خنمتها اكثر من مرة على اكثر من جهاز على مدى سنين

nota: 4/5 (recomendo)
dificuldade: B+
comentário: Bem empolgante, level design bem construído, personagem bem responsivo e chefes diversos (estilo MegaMan). Um sucessor espiritual de plataformas clássicos, estou falando de originalidade, jogabilidade, mapas, fases, itens e chefes, além de ter um tom cômico e uma ótima dublagem.

This game is so much fun, I played the entirety of this game with my little brother and we had a blast. Really good game!

I started playing this on the 3DS and then I just kinda forgot about it!

It was neat from what I got to play. I am planning on picking it up again but uuuh...It's not my priority right now I guess.

Shovel/10. Needs more grass.

Beating this game around 2015 as a kid who dabbled with games like Castlevania III and Mega Man 2 on the Wii felt like I was finally able to get the challenge those games presented. Although nowadays I’d say this is possibly the second worst game out of all the Shovel Knight games that come with it for free now (second worst out of a collection of games I find very enjoyable), it’s a very good starting point to appreciate the games as going from “this is a unique spin on things I’ve seen in different NES games” to it’s own thing that feels fun and so refreshing that this game feels stiff which says a lot yet I can still go back to it and have fun

Such a great game and ost. Spectre knight is the best in my opinion.

bruh this game was pissing me off i liked the boss fights tho

I never understood why this game is so hyped. It's alright I like it a good bit but I don't see why it's praised so highly.

Glad the iconic indie cameo star Shovel Knight got his own game, well deserved my friend.

This was the first time I actually played a platformer and liked it as a platformer and not as "i'm too young and just play whetever you put in front of me".

Pegue uma gamer casual, coloque-a para jogar algo um pouco mais difícil e veja ela sofr--- tentar inúmeras vezes até aprender (e se encantar com o jogo no caminho). Essa é a síntese da minha experiência com a campanha original de Shovel Knight.

Pode não parecer grande coisa pra uma galera, mas eu tive muita dificuldade nesse jogo, e me fazer persistir até passar de cada fase foi um baita teste pra mim, mas o motivo principal pra eu não desistir é porque esse jogo é absurdo de bom.

Comecemos pelas fases. Cada cenário consegue ser bem diferente um do outro, seja em visual ou nas novas mecânicas apresentadas. Isso é ótimo por trazer um dinamismo à gameplay, sempre te trazendo um desafio diferente.

Eu gosto como o sistema de upgrade tem uma certa simplicidade e ao mesmo tempo um charme. Cada NPC tem sua função, seja aumentar a vida, mana, dar buffs de arma ou outras armaduras. A parte mais legal são essas últimas, que basicamente se adequam ao nível de habilidade do jogador, semelhante aos checkpoints quebráveis que dão dinheiro se assim feito.

Um aspecto que não caiu no meu gosto, no entanto, foi a perda de dinheiro. Como eu já acho as fases difíceis por si só, não achei necessária essa punição a cada morte, pois adiciona um senso de desespero que só aumenta a chance de fazer besteira e morrer cada vez mais.

Não posso deixar de esquecer das habilidades, que foram essenciais pra mim, com destaque pra aquela de invulnerabilidade. Elas foram elementos que surgiram pra tentar fazer com que o combate não se restringisse ao ataque de pá, e te falar que seu propósito foi mais que cumprido, elas são ótimas.

Apesar de Shovel Knight não ser complexo em nada, eu gosto como ele faz tudo o que se propõe de forma muito competente, apesar de um ou outro detalhe que particularmente me incomodou.

O objetivo de me fazer aprender cada "armadilha" de cada fase e, principalmente, o padrão de cada chefe pra lá pro final acontecer aquilo me deixou muito orgulhosa de mim mesma, como se o jogo estivesse me dizendo: "Tá vendo como você melhorou ao longo da jornada? Olha só o que você foi capaz de fazer agora". Sinceramente, isso foi mais importante que qualquer outra coisa, até mesmo a boss fight final.

Baita jogo, baita experiência, baita aprendizado.

Shovel Knight is a triumphant love letter to classic NES platformers. With its vibrant pixel art, chiptune soundtrack, and tight gameplay, it masterfully captures the spirit of beloved 8-bit adventures like Mega Man. The level design is ingenious, filled with secrets and clever challenges. Each boss battle feels unique, and Shovel Knight's versatile shovel-based combat opens up surprising possibilities. While it won't take many hours to beat the main campaign, Shovel Knight delivers a perfectly polished experience bursting with retro charm.

I think I don't actually like retro platformers.

maybe 2D platformers just aren't for me sorry :(

I never really got the hype behind Shovel Knight. Maybe it's because I first played it in an era where indie pixel platformers were a dime a dozen, but there was never anything about it that really stood out to me compared to its 2D platforming contemporaries.

That said, it does have some neat ideas, and while I don't think they were utilized to the fullest until later expansions, I have to appreciate how it laid the groundwork. And of course, I certainly respect what it did for indie games and for the industry as a whole.

Replaying this beauty😍 But this time, on the 3DS! The only downside I could think of is that some small projectiles like confetti can be hard to see and dodge. But this is Shovel Knight baby! Hell yeah!

Since King of Cards came out pretty late I didn't think it would be on the 3DS version but it is! The devs are really the goat for making 4 games in 1.

I need to sit down and actually beat this, its so hard.