Reviews from

in the past

Cat cute...that's about it. Environment was cool.

I preordered Stray and never actually got around to playing more than half an hour of it on release. I can see why I bounced off it - it's not exactly a deep or challenging game, but that's okay. I just needed to come back when I was in the mood for a cute, mellow, vibey little adventure with a kitty cat. I really enjoyed how the cat handled, the different animations and movements depending on if you're jumping onto a ledge, a chair, or a vending machine for example - it all feels very natural and smooth. Really enjoyable aesthetic. I struggled a bit with the idea of having human-brain puzzles and such, and when you get your companion I was also a little disappointed - I was kind of hoping for the entire game to be through the eyes and capabilities of a lost cat. However as the game went on I appreciated the way your little friend helps add to the texture and story of the world. Cool setting - I'd be keen to see what else these developers can do in future. I'm glad I finally got around to playing it!

this is the best game ever im biased and idc

Stray is a short but utterly charming adventure! Playing as a lost cat exploring a mysterious cyberpunk city is a whole new perspective. The puzzles are clever, the world is so detailed and atmospheric, and just being able to knock stuff over or curl up for a nap is adorable. The enemies can be a bit annoying, and the story becomes a little strange towards the end, but overall, Stray is a memorable and unique experience any cat lover will appreciate.

joguei no pc do meu primo e fiz a gameplay mais rapida do mundo preciso jogar dnv so q com muita cakma jesus

legalzinho, porem achei a gameplay cansativa

Let's add a cat to a robotic cyberpunk and we get Stray. A very small and cozy project, which I want a little more of, because it’s a shame that it suddenly ends without answering most of the game’s questions, leaving only “What’s next?”

Добавим котика в роботизированный киберпанк и получаем Stray. Очень небольшой и уютный проект, которого хочется немного побольше, т.к обидно, что внезапно заканчивается не ответив на большинство вопросов игры оставляя только "Что дальше?".

Um jogo incrível para passar o tempo, e ao mesmo tempo perfeito para se envolver com uma história intrigante e curiosa.
Stray sem dúvidas é um jogo que meche com nossos sentimentos de solidão e medo de um futuro ansioso por liberdade.

i know this title didn't hit for a lot of people but it did for me, cats and robots? say no more

oh my god this is a masterpiece

ótimos puzzles, mas é uma pena ser tão pequeno. A história é algo que te prende, mesmo sem te explicar nada.

Stray is an interesting piece. You play as a cat who ends up all alone in a dystopian city. From there, you will solve puzzles and platform your way back to the surface world.
The world bulding is fantastic and easily my favourite part of the game. It really sets up an awesome visual experience if you're a fan of cyberpunk styles meeting gross horror. It really nails the enviornments it's trying to build up as well as the characters living in them.
The game absolutely rocks in this sense and honestly is worth the playtime even just for the world it's set in.
Gameplay wise, it's fairly simple. You third person roam as a kitty and jump with x on any surface that it allows. No free jump but you can basically jump onto almost everything, allowing for great traversal mechanics. Other than that, there isn't much new here. It's a simple platformer and features a variety of puzzles and mini quests to make up most of your adventures. From finding secret codes to scratching areas to reveal hidden doors.
Does the cat game have plot? Why yes it does! It's a pretty fun storyline that captialises on the world around itself. It isn't anything hyper unique or special but it is heartfelt and the questions of the world are quite intriguing. You always want to know more and how your companion robot ties into everything.
It isn't so much plot for the cat but for the beings you meet and how to provide hope to their lives.
Ultimately, I enjoyed Stray. Do I think this game would have been AS played and loved if it wasn't for the cat? God no. Which saddens me because games like this normally go underappreciated.
However the marketing was incredible and now a lot of people will get to see a really neat cyberpunk dystopian platformer that gives a nice short adventure.

Yes there's a meow button (yes every outlet think this is gods gift to mankind in terms of reviewing it)


How on earth can you not love this game. I'm not even a cat person, I like dogs way more but this game executes playing as a cat perfectly. You feel like a cat, the cat purrs, scratches, sleeps, rubs against people legs, and does normal cat things. Stray is an incredibly immerse and beautiful game. It has some of the most beautiful scenery i've ever seen. From the starting area to the bright night cities. The game is absolute peak and while there are some minor issues I have with the platforming, I still think this game is just an amazing time. 9/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #40

This was so much fun and cinematic.

This review contains spoilers

Such mixed feelings for this game... Don't get me wrong I loved the gameplay and atmosphere in this game but I definitely expected a little more. The ending especially left me feeling empty and with many questions. I was on the last chapter of the game and it didn't even know I was based on how the story was going... Also I hate how this cat never had a reunion with his family, his friend died, and how we didnt get to see the robots reactions for seeing the world being open and in their face essentially. I will say the game is stunning and I loved exploring the different parts of the cities and interacting with the other robot citizens. Would I recommend this? Maybe on sale honestly but full price not really worth it imo.

Le jeu n'a pas été publié en Chine car sinon ils auraient essayer de manger la jaquette du jeu

Very short, but you play as a cat so it gets bonus points

There's a dedicated meow button.

Jogo daorinah mas que nunca entendi muito a proposta, curto jogos diferentes, mas esse só não me pegou e não tenho vontade de terminar.

missed one memory so u know the drill

A great game for a lazy saturday. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and overall vibe of the game. I just wish it was longer

Beat it in one sitting, great game I love the lil guy