Reviews from

in the past

I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

Stray is a third-person cat adventure game set amidst the detailed, neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity and the murky environments of its seedy underbelly. You get to play as a cute orange cat who gets separated from it's family and the goal is to find your way back home to the outside world. Time to solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by curious droids and dangerous creatures and make new friends along the way!

It's an absolutely fantastic story with fun gameplay and lovely characters. The main character, the stray cat, is adorable and has very realistic cat movement and mannerisms. Your companion droid, B-12, that you meet along the way, is very adorable little robot with an interesting backstory that unravels as you go forward and collect it's memories along the way.

I felt like this game combined some of my favorite things about games; cats, exploration, collectibles, emotional turmoil and impressive scenery. It really was one of the more enjoyable gaming experiences I have had the pleasure of playing. The soundtrack was also super good and I can't wait to give it a listen later and add it to my spotify list.

I think this is one of those games everyone should play! So I highly recommend this to anyone who is atleast a little bit interested, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Such an amazing game. It’s perfectly comforting, with a heartwarming story and an immersive world. The soundtrack is incredible and I just love the whole design. The ending made me cry again. Who knew a game where you play as a cat could be this incredible?

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need a sequel soon because wtf do you MEAN THE CAT DOESNT REUNITE WITH HIS FAMILY AT THE END I CRIED

Le jeu n'a pas été publié en Chine car sinon ils auraient essayer de manger la jaquette du jeu

adorable game BUT..
puzzles and gameplay are majorly lacking.
the characters are cute and all, but it doesnt make up for the boring puzzles.
i did like the story to some degree. the parkour and nimbleness are fun to mess with.

Stray is a short but utterly charming adventure! Playing as a lost cat exploring a mysterious cyberpunk city is a whole new perspective. The puzzles are clever, the world is so detailed and atmospheric, and just being able to knock stuff over or curl up for a nap is adorable. The enemies can be a bit annoying, and the story becomes a little strange towards the end, but overall, Stray is a memorable and unique experience any cat lover will appreciate.

the irresistible human urge to meow

this game is bad but hides behind cats to make everyone like it

cats and robots such a goated game

oh my god this is a masterpiece

ótimos puzzles, mas é uma pena ser tão pequeno. A história é algo que te prende, mesmo sem te explicar nada.

this is the best game ever im biased and idc

game runs like piss from a cock but music is very relaxin or hard af and characters are funny/memorable

There's a dedicated meow button.

one of the coolest and most wholesome experiences i've had as a gamer

Quem diria que um jogo de gato iria me deixar tão viciado e entusiasmado, quando lançou eu só pensei que era hype, mas quando fui jogar me apaixonei, como é que pode esse laranjinha ser tão carismático sem dizer nada? (E eu nem gosto de gato) mas a forma como ele interage e os diálogos com os robôs são incríveis, essa questão da segregação entre ricos e pobres me lembrou o filme Distrito 9, realmente uma proposta incrível!

joguei no pc do meu primo e fiz a gameplay mais rapida do mundo preciso jogar dnv so q com muita cakma jesus

Cat cute...that's about it. Environment was cool.

Before this game came out I decided to not follow anything about it, but I had seen a .gif of the cat climbing around, so I started referring to it as “Cat-Uncharted”, and I think I was somewhat right in the end.
This game was not all I was expecting, but more.
There is not much to say, in my opinion. You play as a cat in a post-apocalyptic world that gets separated from his cat friends and has to find his way out of the situation. The world is well written and the way you slowly get to understand what happened keeps you hooked.
The game plays great, the controls are very responsive and the graphics and animations are insanely detailed. So much that sometimes I would just stop and look at the cat idling.
Performances on PC are not perfect, there is some stutter, especially when loading a new area, but it’s not unplayable and it does not happen that often.
The game is the right length in my opinion in the first playthrough, being a puzzle/platformer game, and with completism, it becomes long enough to justify the purchase at full price.
Some of the achievements are really fun to pursue, especially the one about speedrunning the whole game within a set amount of hours.
Although the game has no difficulty selector, one of the achievements is very tricky and could frustrate some people, so keep that in mind.

A small project with a unique vision that hit all the right points.
Between Stray and 12 Minutes, I think Annapurna is on a roll!
That said, for me, this was easily a 9/10!

Imo, should not have been a game.
This product fits more as a short animation, you can literally watch the gameplay on youtube and it feels exactly the same as playing it (except you don't gotta pay for it, if you watch it on YT).
There's no real gameplay to be had, at least there wasn't for me. But the product is very cute and can be enjoyable to some.

Incredible little adventure story-driven game. Heartwarming story with great charismatic robots, with a cute little cat to glue it all together.

For real, great throughout all of it’s 4h playtime. Great dialogue, fun puzzles, decent stealth sequences and easy platforming. The world looks beautiful and feels alive, I feel like it could be expanded even further in a sequel. Loved the concept.

Um dos melhores jogos indie dos últimos tempos. Fica um gostinho de que poderia ter mais coisas, mas o que ele se propõe a fazer, ele faz com maestria.

Minha única crítica a esse jogo é que ele tem alguns elementos mal aproveitados. Por exemplo, a arma de raios UV, que aparece em uma parte específica do jogo e depois some, e também o fato dele ser curtinho e a lore não ser explorada com tanta profundidade, apesar dela ser bastante interessante.

missed one memory so u know the drill

Petite aventure géniale le temps d'un week-end

Genuinely my favourite story game of all time, I went in blind expecting hehe cat :) and I got a lot more than I expected. I never give reviews, but me taking nearly 100 screenshots, having the biggest smile through out the game and leaving in tears should say how good this game is.

but anyways you can download a mod that makes you Garfield 10/10