Reviews from

in the past

I have recently been playing this again in 2024, and despite the sad lack of possibility that I'll come upon an organic, glorious green streetpass light in my daily travels through the streets to pick up a Coke Zero, etc (I blame the people - get your 3DSes back out NOW!), the special little delight of seeing all those Miis and making them do small tasks in one thousand mini games has never yet been topped.

Like a million people, I crave some interaction and customisability and silly fun built-in stuff like this on newer consoles. Give me the funny little people!

Streetpass is forever, and I will get those last puzzle pieces if it kills me. I will not stop.

I am still suprised how many people I found with this given where I live and that I know maybe like 2 people that also had a 3ds

This is such an ingenious idea that I almost want to give it 5 stars, but I feel like the quality of the minigames is sort of a whiplash considering that ultimate angler, battleground z, and puzzle swap are the only ones I find myself playing through whenever I use netpass. Still, this needs to return on a Nintendo handheld someday!

Being a Midwestern 3DS owner was rough as a kid; while it was common to pass by someone else with StreetPass in more populated areas, good luck finding lots of them across endless fields of corn and soybean fields.

I opened StreetPass fairly regularly, and for a while, had a short collection of Miis. Though, after toggling some setting and thinking nothing of it, I ended up accidentally importing a ton of unwanted Miis from playing Mario Kart 7 online, and you can't utilize them in Puzzle Swap or Find Mii, so they're practically useless. Since my 3DS is now in my sister's possession, I will not be returning to this one

I looooved a lot of these games, especially puzzle swap, flower town, and monster manor. A great way to encourage you to carry your 3DS around with you everywhere

The rare occasions when the streetpass light turns on and a new person joins my plaza fills me with so much happiness, and also tells me that someone nearby me is carrying a 3DS on them.

the con streetpass scene was fuckin bumpin. i met so many people thru this lil nothing 3DS feature. it was fun and i loved the lil games i could put my lil dudes thru and all the puzzle pieces i had to get and i have absolutely nothing to show for it now 🥲

thank you netpass for making this actually playable again, i've been having a blast.

I recently popped this open for the first time in like 7 years, and man was that a hit of nostalgia. Back before we were all interconnected with smartphones... I had StreetPass. I loved carrying my 3DS everywhere and StreetPassing my friends and random strangers. The minigames were decent enough to want to proceed with them, but some of the DLC minigames were actually quite good, if a bit much to keep up with consistently.