Reviews from

in the past

o jogo é daora, me diverti bastante. Os puzzles são legais, os sustos me mataram, o jogo é bonito, mas putz, o final é MUITO ruim kkkkkkk não tankei o twist não.

Além disso, no mouse e teclado o sistema de puxar objetos, tabuas, etc é bem ruinzinho, imagino q seja feito pra controle.

A história do nicolas é claramente mais interessante q a do adam, mas eu curti as seções dele q são focadas em puzzle.

Got this for free on GoG, so I can't be too harsh. Started out with a lot of promise, there are two parallel stories going on here where one takes place firmly within the Cold War and the other takes place sometime in the 19th Century. The former is based more on exploration and puzzle solving, the latter does a plethora of different horror gimmicks you've seen before.

It starts out with a decent amount of intrigue, but I found myself enjoying it less and less as I played it. The voice acting isn't amazing, but that's alright. The presentation is fine, all things considered. It certainly looks pretty, but nothing ever really stood out to me design-wise. Actually playing it was kinda balls. The sections that take place in the present are inoffensive, but every segment that takes place in the past felt so disjointed and strange.

One chapter has you doing the classic "avoid the monster in the water" gimmick. Another chapter has you avoiding miners while navigating a puzzling tunnel network. Another chapter sees you grabbing evidence while running away from a ghost lady. Every chapter does something different, and while that sounds great on paper, it never really builds on top of itself to become something more engaging or interesting. The fact that all hostile enemies (minus the water beast, weirdly) all kill you immediately upon contact on top of instantly becoming alerted the second you cross their ungodly sightline just makes these sections more obnoxious than anything. Enemies don't even regularly appear until about halfway through.

Special mention needs to go to the game's store page, where it touts that you can "use your trusted revolver to shoot your way out from even the most lethal scenarios." This isn't necessarily a lie, but there needs to be a giant asterisk here. You do get a gun for a single chapter early in the game. And then you never use one again. Admittedly, I did laugh for that entire chapter, since it eventually turns into a bizarre one-on-one boss fight with fire raining down from the sky. I think the game would've been more interesting overall if I could keep the gun I mysteriously accrued (no joke) nearly hundreds of bullets for in a single chapter.

A few graphical bugs. I think I outran a lot of sections the game wanted me to take slower, so some assets either didn't load in properly or took a second to pop in. A lot of bad jumpscares. Didn't ever really feel tense or stressed by anything.

Puzzles were fine. There was a cool Enigma code puzzle, and with the Cold War protagonist being a code cracker and all, you'd think that would've come into play more. You do it once and then never again, which is pretty apt when looking at the game as a whole.

I won't spoil any major story stuff. It was interesting seeing the two storylines cross over, but the pacing of both really suffers because of it. You'll yo-yo between the two throughout all chapters, leading to this weird "start and stop" pacing that you may or may not like. I didn't really mind it either way.

There are multiple endings too, determined at the very end with nothing done prior influencing what you can choose. There's also no chapter select. Short of copying your save file and sending it elsewhere, you'll have to replay the entire game just to see a different ending.

That's about it. Not the worst thing I ever played, but I certainly think you could do better for how much it costs.