Reviews from

in the past

A fantastic Metroidvania that's worth a shot even if you're not a Touhou fan. Beautiful spritework and fantastic level design all working itself well into the whole gimmick of pausing and slowing down time. Also a fantastic soundtrack too, but that's a given considering it's all remixes of Touhou tracks and a great roster of bosses. Backtracking can get annoying at times.

the game is SO goddamn fun, like the combat is just INSANELY addicting, time manip powers where i can throw a hellish amount of knives and 50 million dollars worth of cutlery? count me in. my only problem is that like, i'm just not a fan of the level design that much, i think everything else inbetween bossfights just is painfully average. but the rest, however the rest, is just SO GODDAMN sick.

This would genuinely be a billion times better if it was just a linear platformer. Every good thing about the game (engagingly challenging level design, cool ability unlocks, excellent boss fights) is nullified by needing to conform to the Metroidvania structure, with the exception of the music and art direction.

Those cool level designs become real fucking tiring when you have to backtrack through them again to use the item you just got on the door it unlocks (seriously they don't even wrap back around to let you skip the return journey, its not even good metroidvania map structure), or find maximum stat increase items hidden behind future ability unlocks

The abilities are cool until you realize that some boss fights basically expect you to have unlocked them, despite hiding them behind unmarked breakable walls.

The bosses themselves are all challenging and creative, but the stink of 'Am I supposed to have gotten a higher level/found more max stat increases before I fight this chick?' taints them in the heat of the moment.

I usually hate acting as though I could've done better or would know how to 'fix' a given game, but in this case the better scenario is so blindingly obvious and staring me directly in the face whilst playing I can't help but be that asshole in regards to this one.

...Also Sakuya's run animation is fucking terrible, why does she hunch over and shuffle her arms like that???

probably one of the most fun metroidvanias I've ever played

Finally, a game for the knaifu waifu. Tbh, one of the best fan games of the series. Also, fuck you Remi.

this should've been a long running series.

Um corredor especifico me fez questionar oq é o tempo

divertido pra krl