Reviews from

in the past

Uma coletânea de jogos curtos e o melhor de tudo é que é gratuito, então aqui vai uma ordem do melhor pro pior:
1° Carbon Steel
2° Concrete Tremor
3° The Other Side
4° Tartarus Engine
5° Control Room Alpha

Great collection. Between Buckshot Roulette and this, I'm loving Mike Klubnika's industrial, mechanical horror. He translates themes commenting on industrialization, capitalism, technology, and the eternal torment of the human condition into grimy, sharp, unsettling experiences. Carbon Steel, Concrete Tremor, and Tartarus Engine are all fantastic.

some of the best shortform horror games you can play, and they're all free!! the thick anxiety inducing atmosphere and dreadful situations in each story are a joy to experience, Mike Klubnika really has his own style when it comes to horror and i can't get enough of it

Five horror short stories for free? Count me in!

5 juegos de terror con muy buenas ideas, con una estética chulísima y gratis en steam, no se puede pedir mas