Reviews from

in the past

Honestly this game just fucking slaps. I love the atmosphere, the cast, the story, just about everything. The writing style wont be for everyone, and may just make you despise the main character, but it works so well for me. Very short game, but unlike Coteries of New York, this game satisfies, and has a much more focused nature. Which greatly benefits this game. One of my favorite spots of World of Darkness storytelling.


katawa shoujo is still better

Just like most Vampire the Masquerade media, the characters truly make up the majority heavy lifting. And in no exception, Julia stands out as the highlight of this game. Her brash, socially conscious nature and idealistic views, especially post-university, feel authentic. Having encountered people like Julia in the creative industry, her character resonated with me. She's not just a caricature of an angry, intelligent, and cynical individual; she’s a well-crafted protagonist with a unique voice that makes her feel real. If you can empathize with her, Julia becomes a significant positive, despite some disagreeing with her actions or finding her incomprehensible at times.

The narrative excellently showcases Julia’s personality, juxtaposed with her vampire compulsions and lingering humanity. Interacting with the intriguing side cast adds depth, making the experience rewarding. The atmospheric portrayal of her vampire clan, with all its peculiarities, complements her character perfectly. Her reactions to various events, framed by the game’s dark and brooding ambiance, are some of my favorite aspects.

The primary issue is its brevity. Just as I was fully engrossed in Julia’s world, the story ended, feeling more like a short story than a substantial visual novel similar to the first game. The potential for even more deeper exploration of modern New York and its vampiric politics is evident but underutilized with primarily its conclusion giving me a fulfilling dose of that seedy politics. Additionally, the side characters, many of whom are brought over from the first game, feel underdeveloped. The game assumes familiarity with these characters, leading to a sense of missed opportunity for new players or those needing a refresher. More fleshed-out side stories would have enriched the narrative significantly.

Julia’s character and the game’s atmospheric storytelling are commendable, but the experience is marred by its short length and underdeveloped side plots. It’s a good, short game to be a stepping stone into the World of Darkness that leaves you wishing for more—a longer main story and more comprehensive side stories with characters not so heavily tied to the first game.