Reviews from

in the past

To this day one of the most amazing and enjoyable games I've ever played its just a terrifying masterpiece that is still one of the best survival horror games ever definitely top 10 for me.

quand j’étais petite je me chiais dessus, la a big 20 ans j’me chie tjr dessus gg

Great game, but a bit too long, can be frustrating at times.

Basically the best thing to hit the entire franchise since Aliens back in the 80s.

Honestly just shorten this game by like 5 chapters and it’s the best Alien media ever

If this actually took you longer than 20 hours to beat, you might just be bad at games

beaten on the highest difficulty. The Alien is playing chess and I'm playing checkers

the first half is good, then oh boy. the first time you think it's over and it's not I found it kinda charming, but by the 5th time I wanted to die

It's on a slow boil in its first third with all the incredibly lame androids but the back half is thoroughly engaging with a very effective sense of ratcheting tension, even if I never found it especially scary.

some of the rawest fear I have ever experienced