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in the past

One of my most favourite horror games ever. A massive amount of content that expands upon the Alien franchise in a great way. I love both the encounters with the Alien and the milkmen (synthetics) and I was scared countless times playing this for the first time.

This is the opposite of exciting gameplay. The first few hours are okay. But then it's for hours and hours and hours just the fucking same. This is like Dead Space if you take all the fun out of it. The devs seem to absolutely hate you, their only wish is to prolong the game. The real enemy in this game isn't the Xenomorph, it's the boredom and the developers.

All the nay-sayers moan that they spent half their gametime in a closet....I don't get it. Everytime I tried to hide in one, I got found, even when the Working Joe didn't even see where I had hidden.
Perhaps it's because I played it on the hardest difficulty. Or because all of y'all are a bunch of pussies who can't handle a few spooks and the constant threat of horrific death.

Ok, that might be a bit mean, and yea, even on the easiest mode, you'll die quite often and maybe you don't feel like carrying on.
But it is doable on the hardest difficulty. It's just a lot of trial and error. A real challenge. And y'know what makes games fun? Challenge. If there's no challenge, it's a boring game.
And Isolation is sure no cakewalk.

The A.I in this bad boy, holy hell, why is this not the norm for games for today?
The aesthetic and environments are stunning. Ugh, I wanna live in this game!
The gameplay is fun, inventive and offers a lot of freedom to the player.
The sound design works so well into the fear of the Alien. The escaping steam, banging pipes, or any loud noises sound an awful lot like the Xenomorph, and it shits you up even when it's not even there with you.
And the music. The music will start popping off for no reason at times and get ya blood pumping. It's exhilirating!

The nay-sayers complain that you end up doing the same few tasks over and over again, and whilst that is somewhat true, each section of Sevastapol brings a new challenge to spruce up your sequence of events.
A big bit of criticism I've seen is that there is a big lull during the section after we've dealt with the first Alien. Whilst I did sort of miss the Xenomorph's presence, the game instead strips you of your weapons, and gives you a new android enemy type to face. A new challenge!
And after all that hutzpah, you get to wander round an Alien nest for 20 minutes! (or 45, if you're me)
After that point, I wasn't that much scared of the Aliens, I was more in fear of the goddam facehuggers. They're so fucken small and they show up without any warning, it's insane.

Yea, I don't get most of the complaints. Except for the fact that the game started to feel a bit long by the end.
Isolation is consistently fun. I cleared it in like a week because I kept thinking about wanting to explore more and conquer it all! It's such an engrossing game!

In the future, I definitely want to play this again on the easier setting just to go back and collect everything, but also take in the environment even more.
I love the vibes so much omg.

In conclusion, fuck IGN for sinking this game with their crappy review. This is top tier gourmet gaming.

Surprised by how contentious this one seems to be. It's a fantastic horror experience. BUT... it does overstay its welcome by several hours.

This is easily one of the best horror games to come out in the last 10 years. The feeling of dread even though on some level you knew the alien wasn't anywhere near by or in some cases it's hiding nearby.

At one point I was rather carelessly walking down a corridor when out of the vent above the alien popped out and dragged me through it. The second time around in a different corridor I clocked the vent and the saliva dripping out of it and slowly went around it.

Nothing quite beats the moment when I finally got the flamethrower. The alien popped out of a vent, stood tall and intimidating... Right up until I brandished the flamethrower. After the first burst of flame it about turned and leapt back into the vent. I repeated this on numerous occasions. It's moments like this that made the game.

The story is a surprisingly strong offering as well given how up and down a narrative for anything Alien related can be. You can get a good sense of the characters and their motivations, some of which can be surprising.

I'd also like to include a shout out to the Dev team and the ridiculous but much appreciated level of detail this game has. Even to the extent of the CRT monitors of the time being copied and studied so that the monitors in game were as accurate as possible. The AI is also just amazing and so complex to the point I don't think I know of a game AI that rivals it.

alien has the best, smartest and scariest AI systems like ever lol. Great atmosphere and such a repayable experience, the amount of fun scenarios you can have with the alien cannot be understated

I tried really hard to see this game as the horror masterpiece that everyone claims it is but I just don't get it. I don't find it scary being instantly killed by an Alien that just never leaves me alone and always knows where I am and sends my progress back by 20-30 minutes thanks to the horrid save point system. Where this game gets it right is its atmosphere and faithfulness to the films so maybe my Alien bias is kicking in a bit with this rating.
I don't understand why this game's AI for the Alien gets lauded to high heavens. The Alien just always homes in to the area of your vicinity and just mindlessly roams around until it stumbles across your hiding spot. What annoyed me more is that during levels where there's survivors the Alien barely reacted to them and beelined straight to me for no reason. Other annoyances include losing the Alien only for it to pop out of a vent in front of your face two seconds later. I get that the Alien always being on your trail is meant to contribute to the stress but for me it just got obnoxious and frustrating. Compare this to a similar game Monstrum, if you lost the monster, it'll take a few minutes for it to make its way back to you. In this game the Alien practically teleports between vents and reappears even if you're as quiet as a mouse.
The game's story is passable but my god this game lasts way too long for its own good. Maybe it's because I really had no choice but to crawl everywhere but every time I thought this game would end, it would just keep going and dragging on for a few more hours.
On more positive notes, the weapons feel nice. Scaring off the Alien with a flamethrower will always feel satisfying to pull off. Since I enjoy the occasional stealth game, it feels awesome to ghost an area full of survivors, androids or even a tense stealth section against the Alien itself, manipulating it with noisemakers and when it works, baiting the alien to attack a group of survivors so your path becomes a lot clearer. As excessively punishing as this game is, if you have a clear plan on how to tackle a difficult stealth segment, you can definitely pull it off with the right amount of patience.
Even if I said before that the Alien appearing so frequently made it more frustrating than scary, the most stressful aspect of the Alien is wondering when in a new level it will show itself and begin hunting. Even in levels where the Alien never shows up, the intense atmosphere always had me on edge guessing where the Alien may come from if it is here.
Lastly, while the puzzles and button prompt interactables (locked doors, hacking, starting generators etc) seemed repetitive, they simply work as a way to divert your focus from the Alien which is likely still roaming the map as you complete them which adds to the anxiety I wish the game aimed towards a lot more than just spawning in the Alien right on top of you when you breathed a little too loudly.
Overall, I did enjoy this game, maybe not as much as I expected, but that was just me going in with high expectations. I will say again that this game is not easy and the developers of this game almost sadistically punish the player for mistakes whenever the Alien is around. If you DON'T enjoy punishing horror games where the monster is always on you and can instantly kill you on sight, where you'll be set back about 20 minutes of your hard earned progress with one fuck-up, then I would be weary of this game. If you are an Alien fan or enjoy punishing experiences, then this game is an easy recommendation.

A certified classic from what i've played. I always brick my save which is super frustrating, but i shall persevere soon.

i get mad at it but its my own fault tbh

Played VR Mod back in 2020, broken controls and visuals. So I can't give a honest rating for the main game

Choro toda vez que o Alien quebra a quarta parede, vira pro jogador e fala "busquem conhecimento" 😭😭😭😭

uma das unicas experiencias de terror que genuinamente me assusta ate hoje

Overrated. The game was too long for its own good and becomes extremely tedious real quick. Getting through each chapter is a chore when you're doing nothing but the same quest every time.

spooky game a bit slow for my taste
still looks great though

Um Survival Horror que depende intimamente de mecânicas de stealth não é pra qualquer um, não importa o quão bom ele seja.
Alien: Isolation me parece ser um excelente exemplo disso.

Sobre aspectos técnicos eu não tenho do que reclamar, o jogo é bem competente, suas mecânicas combinam com a proposta do jogo e, até onde joguei, a história sabe nos manter na ponta da cadeira bem o bastante.
Todavia, eu ainda notei alguns NPCs sofrendo de flickering e me cansei rapidamente de alguns QTEs que eu honestamente preferiria não ser obrigado a realizar, especialmente pelo tempo que eles tomam.
Visualmente o jogo me deixou bem satisfeito, embora o constante efeito de lens flare usado seja bem distrativo.
E claro, não poderia deixar de citar a dublagem e tradução pro nosso querido PT-BR, que na maior parte do tempo me deixou satisfeito, apesar da sincronia nas cutscenes ser pavorosa de ruim.

Dito isso, eu não sou capaz de negar que assim como foi pra muita gente, o ritmo do jogo me venceu.
Embora o horror do jogo se beneficie bastante da atmosfera de tensão que se constrói com a espera por um inimigo ou por um encontro com o temido Alien, cada longa sessão andando de um ponto até outro tende a se tornar entediante no momento em que o jogo deixa de causar medo.
Eventualmente, o jogo se resumiu a um ciclo enfadonho de correr, me esconder, distrair e reiniciar quando a IA decidia usar o sexto sentido pra me achar.
Que fique claro: o jogo possui uma respeitável variedade de ferramentas pra garantir que o jogador pode se defender ou escapar e delas, eu não tenho do que reclamar.

Em questão de história, o jogo segue um andamento que eu poderia definir como uma queima lenta, expondo apenas o que é importante e deixando o cenário e arquivos que encontramos contarem o resto da história.
Amanda Ripley enquanto protagonista me agradou bastante, demonstrando medo e coragem de maneira equilibrada e crível, sem perder sua postura contundente (por vezes impaciente) e decidida.

No fim, Alien: Isolation é um daqueles jogos que tem meu respeito, mesmo que eu reconheça que não sou realmente o melhor público para ele.
O jogo tem seus defeitos, mas suas qualidades os superam e garantem uma experiência interessante.

one of the better horror games

easily one of the best horror game ever saw. amazing adaptation from the movie tho

The alien is actually scary, really nice.

An amazingly immersive and sometimes extremely scary adaptation of a series that I really love and is translated into a videogame perfectly without ever feeling like cheap fanservice. All that has been said about the amazing AI holds true. There's some flaws, dealing with humans and androids isn't as fun and the game runs maybe an hour or two too long, but that's small stuff in the grand scheme of things.

There's some good stuff going on here but it's just stretched so thin. It's overlong, it's janky, the plot is nonsense, all of the characters are useless. But whatever, what people really praise this game for is the Alien AI.

I don't get the hype. Not sure what's so impressive about the Alien inexplicably always knowing where you are and showing up nearby. Not trying to sound cool, plenty of games scare the hell out of me, but I don't think I found it scary once. There are plenty of tense moments for sure, but all that tension is gone once you get the flamethrower and are then no longer helpless. Not to mention I played on hard difficulty and still always had near maxed out supplies and ammo at all times.

i have been scared enough to alt f4. drags on too long though

pretty hard but good, pretty scary too ig, graphics look great

The alien doesn't just stay in the game... check inside your closet.

Genuinely one of the scariest games I've ever played

I was excited to play this but never managed to be engaged by it. Every time I pick it up I feel a bit lost and frustrated more than I do scared.