Reviews from

in the past

Honestly just shorten this game by like 5 chapters and it’s the best Alien media ever

Basically the best thing to hit the entire franchise since Aliens back in the 80s.

Great game, but a bit too long, can be frustrating at times.

quand j’étais petite je me chiais dessus, la a big 20 ans j’me chie tjr dessus gg

To this day one of the most amazing and enjoyable games I've ever played its just a terrifying masterpiece that is still one of the best survival horror games ever definitely top 10 for me.

the horniest i've ever been playing a horror game

Com certeza o melhor jogo de terror que já joguei, a gameplay dele aparenta ser básica, mas é muito bem feita, a figura do Alien REALMENTE causa medo, muito bom.

IM SCARED IM SCARED IM SCARED!!! HURRY!! THE XENOGIRLIE IS BREATHING ON MY FKIN NECK!!! CRAWL FASTER GIRL!!! HURRRYY UPPP!!! --average level in this game + i already died 3x times over

- too many times this game made me sweaty with panic + anxiety, i had to take a few breaks to catch my breath + relax to be greeted by the xenomorph in the very next room
-all sneaking, no real way to fight in way? like they give you a wrench + a flamethrower but thats wayyy later in the game, its better to just be sneaky ok?
- ive never watched any of the alien movies so i went in fully blind + after finishing this game first + finally watching the movies they really stay true to how the movie looked, made with lots of love from the developers
- oh and hey! hated having to relive a flashback into the MAIN HIVE OF WHERE THE XENOMORPHS ARE BIRTHED???? i almost pissed my pants thanks

Deve ser um jogo bom, mas essa mecânica de ficar só se escondendo me lembrou Outlast e eu acho isso bem merda

I'll be fair, it looks good, but my goodness, space horror games make me tired, it seems like it's just not for me.

Super impressive. The alien is fantastically done and really keeps the tension at a constant high. This game lives and dies by the Alien AI. One of my favorite things was watching the alien adapt to how I played, such as checking lockers or trying to sneak behind me after I used the flamethrower too much. I do think the flamethrower does dramatically trivialize some encounters with the alien, especially if you stock up on fuel. One of the few games to actually scare me.

Personally, every time I felt the game starting to lose steam I think it sucked me right back in. Could a chapter or two been removed to help streamline the plot of the game? Sure. Do I care? Nope

Also: **** that IGN review

we're never getting a sequel are we?

si durase unas 2 o 3 hs menos, estaría genial pero lastimosamente se hace muy largo y tedioso cerca del final del juego

I love survival horrors in space, and this one sits somewhere between Dead Space and Callisto Protocol. Not nearly as long as people say, took me only 8 hours to beat.

some of the rawest fear I have ever experienced

It's on a slow boil in its first third with all the incredibly lame androids but the back half is thoroughly engaging with a very effective sense of ratcheting tension, even if I never found it especially scary.

beaten on the highest difficulty. The Alien is playing chess and I'm playing checkers

the first half is good, then oh boy. the first time you think it's over and it's not I found it kinda charming, but by the 5th time I wanted to die

If this actually took you longer than 20 hours to beat, you might just be bad at games

I played for like 2 hours and didnt alien im sorry

Esse jogo é uma aula, aula de como encher linguiça.

Ele é extremamente arrastado e não sabe a hora de acabar, eu consegui contar um 5 finais. A dinâmica com alien é legal nos 1os 8 capítulos, depois vira um loop de gameplay insuportável onde você já tá de saco cheio daquele bicho e taca fogo logo pra ele ir embora.
As últimas 6hrs de jogo são uma demonstração de como não dirigir um jogo, ele te joga pra um trecho enorme onde você só enfrenta androides onde o combate do jogo não se encaixa, é um jogo perdido que no início flui bem, mas depois do capítulo 10 se torna quase intragável, medíocre no geral.


Scared me so bad I had to take a walk.

Decidiram pegar o gênero "terror de andar" e fazer um jogo de verdade com ele e o resultado ficou ótimo, o alien é com certeza o melhor stalker enemy de qualquer jogo já feito, infelizmente ele é a única parte boa do jogo já que os humanos são idiotas e os androides são inúteis e os momentos, excluindo o inicinho do game, sem a presença do et são os piores incluindo momentos de ação que são uma bosta pq as mecânicas do game não funfam muito bem quando ele decide tacar 50 androides ao mesmo tempo, no cê

the alien heard me through the ps camera mic and ran to my hiding spot at full speed.
I don't know how I managed to sleep that night

J'ai beaucoup aimé ! C'était impossible pour moi de lâcher la manette dans les dernières heures du jeu. Il y a des choses à redire c'est sûr mais ce serait vraiment chipoter. J'espère une éventuelle suite dans les années à venir.

best game based on a movie franchise and one of the best horror games ever

play this on nigtmare difficulty if you're not рussy!

Eu amo esse jogo, a tensão que ele dá é ASSUSTADOR.
a IA dele é inteligente e isso não deixa o jogo todo repetitivo.
a ambientação dele é muito braba, estamos presos com um alien em uma estação espacial isolada!
a parte que mais me assustei foi no ninho do alien

Rewatched the original Alien in cinema last week and it made me think of this. Both absolutely masterful in their respected artforms! The level design is used so sneakily against you and the threat of the alien is unmatched. even when he's not in the set piece, the atmosphere is more choking than actually being in space. Totally awesome and somehow IGN thinks this is a 5.9 (they're unreliable and wrong).

Chulísimo cómo está diseñado, aunque a veces puede ser bastante injusto y lento. Pero las situaciones molan y son variadas

I guess I never ranked this on here, but this was the first horror game I really played to completion. Before this, I thought myself too afraid to get into the genre. And this game scared the shit out of me at the time, I'm sure it'll have less of an impact on me now, but it holds a special place to me being my 'introduction' to horror games. Its tense, atmospheric and interesting to explore. The sound design really got me when I played.