Reviews from

in the past

I don't know how to feel about Blue Archive.

On one hand, Blue Archive's lax gameplay provides me some comfort. It's neither frustrating nor too limiting. Its also chockful of QOL, but is somewhat ruined by the fact that its client isn't the best. Music does go hard, and the game seems to be generous enough.

Obviously, there's another side to that coin, and that is Blue Archive's writing and aesthetic is loudly perversive. It's overly sexual, and is made even worse by the game's high-school setting.

Do I recommend this game? I don't know. If you get satisfaction from Blue Archive through its character-design, I'd rather not talk about it.

Before Blue Archive, I was a lonely fat nerd who didn't have a girlfriend and a job. Not much has changed but I'm trying to roll Hina and she's draining my wallet.


my friend lied, these girls ain't cute nor funny.

Funny, cute, and doesn't require you to play one hour every day like some open world gachas

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