Reviews from

in the past

how the hell did they manage to make a game about time-traveling dinosaurs so bland? this game has an incredibly boring setting, which is especially important in survival horror because of how much backtracking and memorization it requires. the game also fucks up so many things that the original Resident Evil nailed three years prior. the inventory system is absolutely abysmal. there's like seven mechanics associated with just storing items. hardly any variety in dinos, and one boss (that isn't even good). the files don't even save. if you are at a puzzle and want to reread the associated file, you have to GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO IT, using the useless map. all of these aspects were great in Resident Evil, made three years earlier by the same guy. Shinji my man how did this happen. the OST is good and some of the puzzles are fun and Regina is cool but man this game sucks

Can kind of tell this is Capcom's first new IP to follow the Resident Evil formula. For the most part, it is still just an RE game with dinosaurs, but there's a lot of smaller differences that weren't terrible ideas, they just didn't work as well for me compared to the actual RE games.

The use of fully 3D environments and more complex enemy design does have it's advantages, but they come at the cost of variety and atmosphere. The environments are all incredibly similar while also lacking the level of detail they could've had from pre-rendered backgrounds. The more complex enemy AI did mean that a basic enemy was more engaging and unpredictable than a regular zombie, but this comes at the cost of there essentially being 1 enemy type throughout the entire game, and a nearly complete lack of bosses.

For the puzzles, I didn't mind the actual process of solving them and they were generally pretty fun. However, this game is absolutely flooded with number codes, to the point that finding them takes up a major portion of the game. This would've been fine, but for some reason this game doesn't give you a journal of all the memo's you've come across, meaning you have to go back to each individual room if you forget the codes. They also changed how item boxes worked and it's mixed for me. I do like the decision making that comes from the use of plugs and the different resources that item boxes can give. However, the game is incredibly scarce with plugs in the beginning of the game, and I wish that every unlocked box functioned like in RE where they were all connected with infinite space.

To give some praise, I actually wasn't opposed to how this game is structured around the combat, or rather the lack of it. A standard enemy in Dino Crisis is a lot tougher than one in Resident Evil. The game is also generally scarcer in ammo, which means that a lot of encounters encourage running past enemies and utilizing the environment such as the beam gates. I personally find running around enemies with tank controls to be incredibly fun, so this style of play was actually pretty very fun for me. Also I think the small cast of characters actually helped, as you just get more interactions with each of them.

Regina is a fun protagonist, but she also contributes to a smaller gripe I have with this game. This game just isn't scary if I'm being honest. There's really nothing all that disturbing, and like I mentioned, the lesser detail in the environments doesn't really help with creating a disturbing, eerie atmosphere.

Even though I've gone over a lot more negatives than positives, I do still think this is a decently fun game. It still has the great survival horror game flow, where just progressing through the map feels great while keeping track of resources throughout. This definitely feels like a first attempt at a lot of these different ideas, but I'd like a sequel to this style or even a remake that's able to flesh it out into something great.

the part when the trex smashes in through the window made me cry as a baby

its just resident evil with dinosaurs, as somebody with a hyperfixation on dinos and loves survival horror this game was made for me

GooeyScale: 90/100

Esse jogo é muito bom, ele conseguiu trazer bem a jogabilidade do Resident Evil para um universo novo com uma temática de dinossauro, os personagens são carismáticos, os puzzles são bem e laborados, a trilha sonora é boa, os gráficos são decentes para a época, a historia é legal, minha única critica fica a cargo da jogabilidade que é um pouco travada, sendo que no mesmo ano, a Capcom estava lançando o Resident Evil 3 que tem uma jogabilidade muito mais fluida.