Reviews from

in the past

It's more F.E.A.R. and in that sense, it's a good expansion. It had some really neat level designs that kept it feeling fresh from the original with the subway being a particular stand out for me.

Unfortunately, I experienced more bugs here than in the base game. There were a few times throughout several intervals I had a graphical error or the game would crash upon loading. Thankfully there was an easy fix with setting the graphics to low and changing them back after finishing a particular section of an interval, but it sucks that this happens in the first place. Additionally, there was a spot in the L level where a bug related to jumping onto a platform from water made it near impossible to progress and I had to use various tricks found on an old forum post to progress. It genuinely took me about 15 minutes of trying different methods to do something that should have taken 3 seconds.

Issues playing on modern hardware aside, it's still a good DLC and worth playing if you enjoyed the base game.

I had a great time with this one! More horde-style defensive feeling arenas which gives it a fresh feel, and more environmental variety too (I love the Church and Subways). The new weapons are great and feel suited for the level design (especially that laser beam holy fuck it's satisfying). Also the horror elements here are actually a lot more well integrated than in the base game imo, the imagery and pacing of it felt a lot more impactful for me. I'll play the other expansion and F.E.A.R. 2 sometime but I think I need a break now lol.