Reviews from

in the past

Legitimately took me more attempts to beat the first round of this on easy than it did to beat Geese Howard on arcade difficulty in the first game. I am uniquely ass at this game, even compared to other fighters around the time, to an extent that can not be explained.

A solid improvement to the core combat over the first game with some improved visuals to boot, but still suffers from slowdown and a mediocre roster.

Conseguiram deixar a gameplay mais fluida e por consequência mais divertida mas ainda assim tiveram a capacidade de deixar o arcade pior q o anterior com inimigos piores ainda,tudo de ruim pra quem participou desse jogo

This is a charming one, improving everything from the first Fatal Fury game. It looks really good, the OST is peak as always, and I had some fun playing it. The problem is that the game is really slow and sometimes just doesn't play right. Overall, a really weird game, but a step in the right direction.