Reviews from

in the past

AT THE VERGE OF TEARS me dejó este Final Fantasy entry. Este ha sido el primero en la serie donde siento que se manifiesta el esfuerzo cumulativo de las previas obras. Es un sólido best of all worlds y se ve en todos los aspectos. Siempre que le doy un game que tiene un rating muy alto me cuesta mucho escribir a cerca de ello. Siento tanta euforia y tanto buen ride, que se me desbordan las palabras de las manos, pero bueno, ojo:

Para un juego que me tomó 24 horas terminar, la cantidad de dialogo y personajes super memorables que hay es impresionante. Finalmente (despues de darle el I, el II y el III), a los personajes se les atribuye un carísma grandisimo y es donde en mi opinion Final Fantasy adquiere ese larger than life aspect que todos amamos con fervor. Gone are the days donde la historia se siente como un laberinto chueco de dialogo trillado. Uno se acuerda de los nombres de los personajes (cosa que me cuesta mucho en pelis y juegos por igual) y creo que lo que más me gusta es que uno empieza como el mae malo hahah.

Es aqui donde entra Cecil, el personaje principal. No quiero hacerles mucho spoiler, pero por primera vez vemos lo que vendria siendo y siempre será uno de nuestros queridos storytelling devices - el famoso character arc. Sé que suena raro (aunque en realidad no sé si ya era algo más comun en esos años (1991)), pero poder vivir la historia de un persona que actually si cambia y crece al pasar de los eventos del juego fue todo un treat. Cecil empieza como un simple peón a las ordenes de un rey sanguinario que lo obliga a llevar a cabo sus bloody deeds y a través de muchísimas tragedias, muertes de personajes y literal trials and tribulations, termina working his way up to being un (sort of) warrior of light (como en los otros juegos!). El juego toca muchos temas que pueden ser pesados como el amor de una pareja y la perdida inminente del mismo, el sacrificio y la redención. Todo el writing se siente más maduro y mas nutritivo. Se siente el upgrade y el colmillo de los escritores evolucionando su habilidad de poder comunicar muchas cosas con poco dialogo.

Esta vez el juego rompe con las convenciones de sus antecesores y lo deja usar cinco (5!!!) personajes en su party en vez de los clásicos cuatro personajes. Siento que este move alienta mucho a los inner child power fantasies que uno tiene dormido en el subconciente porque es algo que se siente bastante gratificante - Y bueno, a pesar de que uno en teoría tiene muchísimo más (wo)manpower, este de fijo es de los entries más dificiles que le he dado. Quien diría que ya no hay que poner las peleas en auto-battle para volarse a 98% de los bosses del juego. Aqui no todas las estrategias son válidas - pero parte del buen ride es usar las especialides de los personajes cambiantes del party para lograr ganar las peleas (un shoutout a mi foursome favorito de evil italian mages en el game: Barbariccia, Cagnazzo (lol), Rubicante y Scarmiglione).

El juego da vueltas muy locas e interesantes. Uno empieza en el clásico planeta generico con mares, desiertos montañas etc, pero eventualmente uno cae a lugares poco convencionales como el infierno o la luna. Siento que lograron un balance muy tuanis de jalar bichos de juegos viejos (hola malboro <3) y mostrarnos bichos originales (aunque si me pesa en los huevos que hubo una cantidad bien grande de bichos que me de dieron muchas ganas de arrancarme el pelo though.

En fin, un GRAN paso hacia adelante para toda la franquicia de Final Fantasy. Un juego que proudly bears la medalla de undeservingly underachieving but underrated underdog que se da muy duro con los grandes players de la serie. Un gran shoutout al overworld theme (y el overall OST) de este game que no le huye a usar mucho modal interchange y odd time signatures para darnos varios epic bops para matizar el juego en su máximo esplendor.

En fin 5 pale blue dots out of 5 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎

when they die i decide to dance

best one of the 4 first games

Uma boa evolução em comparação aos 3 primeiros jogos, principalmente no desenvolvimento dos personagens.

I love this game. It is very much a product of its time and the story is weak by today's standards, but this is a game that should be judged based on its era and the story was awesome for an 8-year-old boy back in 1991. This feels like putting on a comfortable pair of pants. The developers took everything that was good about the original version and polished it up here until it shined. The pixel remaster is a fantastic way to either revisit this game or experience it for the first time.

Thank god they learned their lesson to never use 5 party members again 🙏

Look, I mean, it's fine. It's not genius but it's not terrible either. The story is just a rehash of FF2 but somehow with less depth. Zero customization to speak of in party composition or strategy. It would be fine if it was framed as an RPG for beginners, but it's not. It's framed as an RPG for fans of the genre.

Feels like the first grand FF story and the point where they started working out how to do proper characters. Great game and a must play for any FF fan.

i hate when i go to review a game and i feel like i don't really have my own unique opinion to share. i felt myself agreeing with other reviewers (most notably @DianeThePunk ) for the most part on this game. i'm not really the biggest fan of this game's story. it was so nonsensical most of the time it borderlined on parody, especially in the mid to late-game. i'm also not really a fan of the ATB battle system as a whole, although that can be chalked up to personal preference. i absolutely respect what this game for the series, but it's not a game i'll probably replay anytime soon

I'm not a big fan of the ATB system. To me, it feels like a protracted version of simply having a turn order. But instead of simply letting the battle play out in order, I have to wait for bars to fill up for my party, and invisible ones to fill up for the enemies, resulting in a lot of dead air where you're watching your characters stand around doing nothing. Another consequence of ATB is that a lot of the strategy is lost when the game is designed around making quick decisions. Of course, this isn't to say that FF's spells and skills to this point have been particularly tactical, but when I have to decide what I want a character to do in the next few seconds or be forced to take unnecessary damage, it results in a lot of choosing the same options over and over again. I begin to prioritize the menu options i can recognize the fastest rather than giving any thought to what might be best for my current situation. Not to mention that you can't even pre-consider what you want a character to do since in the fraction of a second before your character acts, your enemy could get off a move that changes your entire decision.
And due to this game treating your ENTIRE party like the 4th party member in FF2, you're constantly going to be dealing with different party members that have their spells in different orders, or have special skills that you have to experiment with to find out how they'd even be useful.

With all that out of the way, the rest of the game.
There isn't much to say. Most of my criticisms come down to the ATB system, to the point where I turned the EXP boost up to 4x about 11 hours in just to be able to move on with my life in a reasonable time. This is the first FF game to have a really involved story, but that isn't necessarily for the better. Like I mentioned before, it fucks with your party a lot, and on top of that, it's not like the story is particularly good anyway. Not to say it's BAD of course, but I certainly won't be sitting with a furrowed brow at any of what occurs throughout the plot. The best I can say is that the setting for the end of the game is pretty cool.

I sincerely hope that between this game and FF2, this series won't be establishing a pattern of the even-numbered entries being awful.

Kain, my sweet idiot. And yes, my username is based on this Kain. 8/10