Reviews from

in the past

Maki deserves better than this.

Genryuusai Maki top 10 hotties of the games period.

I finally set up a SNES emulator, so expect more reviews on SNES games in the coming months!

Considering how much I love Final Fight 1, I was expecting to like this too, and for the most part I did! There are some pretty big problems stopping this from becoming a peak beat-em-up though.

Well, firstly, there really isn't much new from the first game. Hell, you even still have to press the attack and jump button together to do a special (come on capcom, there are 4 other buttons). What is new are 2 different characters, Carlos and Maki! They don't matter though, since you're gonna be picking Haggar anyway.

The length is a massive problem too. Final Fight 1 already dragged a little bit, but this one takes it up a notch. Even on Easy, my playtime was exceeding an hour. I know I shouldn't be talking like this is a bad thing, considering Streets Of Rage 3 is one of my favourite games oat, but that game has loads of fun gimmicks that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. In Final Fight 2, you fight 3 enemies, move a little, fight another 3 enemies, move a little, fight a BS boss, and onto the next round.

Even with those problems, I find it hard to not like this game. I mean, you can play as a Mayor who preforms fuckin pile drivers on his people, what more can I say?