Reviews from

in the past

Simplório até demais, porém melhora significativamente se comparar ao primeiro título, a dificuldade é aturável, embora ainda tenha sido bem difícil para mim. Um clássico, sem dúvida, mas deu aquela datada violenta, inevitável.

Rolento killed my girlfriend and then I was stuck having to play the rest of the game by myself and also died

Jogando jogos que o Velberan não cala a boca sobre pra poder entender os papo #3

mais legal que o primeiro, gameplay mt gostosinha apesar de pouco variada, trila sonora fodinha tbm, dificuldade bem alta
n sei como fizeram um de snes ser melhor que de arcade mas tamo aí

joguei com o haggar dnv kkkkkkkkkkkk muito foda ele n dá n

A sequel that just continues instead of adding anything.

A great sequel to a great game, I love the cast of characters here, especially Maki, my beloved <3
Tho Carlos also rocks! This one feels quite fun and satisfying to play, tho Rolento? Sheesh More like Rolentless! Tho here he's called Rolent...which'd make him uhhh Rolent without less...or something

I used a Infinite Lives cheat

Esta decentucho la verdad, no innova en realmente nada, es lo mismo pero mas barato :v, no es kgada como el final fight 1 de SNES pero este es un juego que no es malo pero si es mediocre, el ost es inferior salvo por un par de rolitas, menos tipos enemigos, jefes con diseños mas genericos

esta interesante eso de que los niveles sean paises distintos pero no es para tanto, los diseños de los personajes protagonicos estan chidos pero sigue siendo algo superficial

es una experiencia simplemente inferior lamentablemente, pero no horrible, es funcional

Mesmo tendo uma pixel art mais bonita, mecânicas mais desenvolvidas, uma personagem feminina e um ninja brasileiro (isso não faz sentido porque aqui no Brasil não tem ninjas) ainda prefiro o primeiro. Não é ruim, mas não tem a "força" do primeiro.

I recommend playing this game on easy not because the game is difficult, but maybe it doesn't put tons of enemies on the screen in a level that seems to last 8 minutes, which is horrible for a beat em up, but it's not a bad game, but it's far to be the best.

Capcom me cago en la puta de tu madre

Fixes the problems with the first game's SNES port, now featuring multiplayer and a full roster of three characters, but now it feels too long. There's only six levels, but they're really dragged out. Was thinking a 7 here but kinda ran out of energy before it was over. Would rather play the first game's arcade version still. Hopefully Final Fight 3 hits more of a sweet spot than this one did.

An annoying game, without ideas and sluggish.
Skip this one,It isn't worth it

As a gaming new years resolution I set myself three goals this year; to try and beat over 100 games, buy less than I beat and to try and play at least one game from every system I have access to. So, here is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System entry for the year, Final Fight 2!

I chose this as I beat the original Final Fight on both arcade and Sega CD last year for the first time. To be honest I didn't actually like it that much which was kind of a surprise as both a beat 'em up and Capcom fan. It was a pretty early game in the genre though coming out in 1989 and helped pioneer a lot of later games so I could forgive it a bit for it's rough edges. Final Fight 2 a little less so though overall I do actually like it more.

So firstly the game feels a lot less swarm heavy, perhaps because it's a SNES exclusive (I still haven't played the Final Fight SNES port). Enemies come in smaller groups and don't feel quite as insanely aggressive though they will still try and circle around you which I like. There are three playable characters. Hagar returning from Final Fight, he's a wrestler (you can see him drop kicking a goon flexing his huge muscles on the cover art here), his South American friend Carlos who fights with a sword, (and by that I mean he has it on his back but uses it for 1 move), and Maki, who dresses a bit like a Kunoichi, a student of ninjitsu. They are after Maki's sister and father who have been kidnapped by the sudden re-emergence of the Mad Gear Gang from the first game who have suddenly gained a worldwide presence. This is evidently an excuse for visiting more locations than anything truly plot related.

The characters all play pretty much the same regardless of who you choose. A basic attack combo, a jump and a special move used for crowd control. They can grab enemies in holds when close enough and do throws is about it, it's pretty basic for a beat 'em up. My only real input on the characters is I appreciate them adding a female playable character instead of the three men from the original. My issues really stem that this game feels pretty run of the mill generally. Similar to Final Fight 1 you have seen the few enemy types by the start of the second stage and just beat the same 4 enemies over and over from there onwards with no surprises. Andore is the only memorable enemy and that's mostly because he was in the original Final Fight, is clearly andre the Giant, has a large health bar, and is everywhere. Nothing new appears over the course of the game to make it feel fresh from level to level. The level design itself feels pretty similar in that you go to multiple world locations but the set pieces are all pretty uninteresting and you fight the same 4 guys in each part of the world.

Compounding that is the bosses which all feel like a non event. They feel almost like regular enemies just with slightly higher health bars. a lot of them have really dodgy grab animations and range where you teleport into their hands a few feet away and the worst of these is Rolent, a boss from Final Fight brought back with the same grenades and running around. He can outmanoeuvre and outreach your limited move set and is just awful to fight. He's the only boss I really remember, mostly because he is frustrating. Weirdly the music doesn't change during a boss fight either to the point it's just tracks like this which is ok for a stage but not a boss. The first boss I fought I didn't even realise was the end level boss due to this uneventful feel.

Speaking of music, it's fine but I don't think a single track stood out from the whole game and I guess that sums up Final Fight 2. Nothing about it really excels and when it's been 4 years since the first game and it feels exactly the same is a bit disappointing. All that said though I had fun playing through it and don't want to sound too negative as I don't think it's a bad game, it plays well, sounds decent and looks nice, it's just forgettable.

Also, I always thought Maki was an SNK character when playing Capcom vs SNK 2 back in the day. Gaming knowledge increase. (+1exp!)

+ Maki as a playable female character.
+ It's fun enough and well made.

- Feels uninspired. Seen all enemies by the start of level 2.
- Bosses feel like a non event with huge hit pools.
- Some questionable grab detection.

O primeiro jogo eu sinto que havia mais mobilidade dos protagonistas, nesse daqui parece que desapareceu. Outro ponto, so que positivo pra mim foi a melhoria dos golpes do Haggar, eu como um grande fã da WWE adorei.

Maki deserves better than this.

Final Fight 2 is just... more Final Fight!

Final Fight 2 has 3 unique characters instead of 2, much better locations and overall a smoother gameplay compared to first one. The new enemy types are really annoying, but in a good way as they provide good challange and mix up the formula a bit.

The weakest aspect of the game is the final boss, who is a bit of a letdown, compared to the others who are much more challenging.

I liked that sometimes the maps differ from each other: some have breakable doors and gates while others are much more vertical.

A pretty solid entry, and good improvement over Final Fight.

Better than the original Final Fight in every meaningful way. Fairly basic, as brawlers go by 1993 standards, but enemies, bosses, and stage layouts are a nice challenge, without skimping out on the credits. Final Fight 4 when, Capcom?

I really wanted to like this game better than the first one, but I did not.

Ok, first let's talk about the new:

You can play as a girl now.
That's it. 

Everything else is just the same; in fact, I think this one might be even more repetitive than the first. The story makes you travel all around the world, yet you are fighting the same four guys over and over again. They did not take advantage of the unique setting of each country, and it feels like such a missed opportunity. If you get rid of the backgrounds, you are basically just playing the first level for over an hour and twenty minutes.

Gameplay is also the same, so there are no improvements whatsoever. 

P.S. Maki is cute, though.

Fui jogar só por causa da linda da Maki e ela é o pior boneco do jogo 😭😭😭

Maki is hot and this game is easy and bad.

Ele consegue ser mais limitado do que o de nes

The original Final Fight, for the time that it came out, was massively impressive, and still holds up pretty well to this day. It may be extremely simple, having only one attack button and no other bells or whistles to make it seem too diverse, but the combat was still satisfying enough to be engaging throughout, and the graphics and music helped make things exciting and appealing. This not only applies to the original arcade version, but this could also be said about the SNES port, which while I haven’t played it, and although it is missing things like co-op and Guy, it still kept the same look and feel of the original game to make for a pretty solid port. In fact, that port managed to sell 1.5 million copies, which was pretty good for a Capcom SNES game at that point, so for the next game in the series after this, they would focus on making it for the SNES rather for the arcades. Kind of an odd choice, but either way, this next game would arrive four years after the original’s release, and simply be known as Final Fight 2.

Before reviewing the original Final Fight, I had already played through it previously, so I knew what I was getting into when it came to revisiting it, but in terms of this game, as well as the rest of the Final Fight series in general, I have no experience with it whatsoever. But hey, considering that they managed to have a good foundation for the first game, I was sure they could keep it up for the sequel. That is, until I then started playing it, and then I realized that I had myself another Splatterhouse 2 situation on my hands. Yeah, Final Fight 2 is a very basic sequel, and as such, I can’t really say that it is anything other than just good. It can still be fun for big Final Fight fans, and it does keep the core gameplay intact, but that’s the thing: it keeps the core gameplay intact almost exactly, which doesn’t benefit the game in the long run.

The story is typical for a beat-’em-up sequel, where the Mad Gear gang have returned, and have now kidnapped two more people, so now it is up to Mike Haggar, Maki, and Carlos to go take them down once again, the graphics are pretty much on par with the original game’s SNES version, which still look good, but it would’ve been nice to see some significant changes here or there, the music is good, at least, based on what I remember, and there were no real bad tracks, but there weren’t really any standout tracks that I could latch onto, the control is what you would expect from a beat-’em-up game, being exactly like the original Final Fight, so no need to go on any further then that, and the gameplay stays very true to the original formula established with the first Final Fight, which ultimately becomes its biggest hindrance.

The game is your typical early 90s beat-’em-up, where you take control of either Mike, Maki, or Carlos, go all around the world through six different countries, along with a few bonus stages for pointless points that only give you extra lives, beat up every single thug that you run into along your way to show that you are the baddest fighter around, gather plenty of health items, point items, and weapons to give you an advantage over the constant goons you will come across, and take on quite a few bosses that will provide quite a challenge, such as with a soldier, a giant mass of muscles that you could mistake for a human, and a… clown? I dunno, I guess it is good for those people who wanna beat up clowns. But yeah, either way, as you could probably tell, there isn’t really anything new about this game, nor anything all that special about it when compared to other games at the time, which is fine, but as a sequel, there could be a lot more.

I will say though, as a followup specifically to the SNES version of the original game, it does fix some of the issues that game had. This time around, the two player co-op is back, so that is great to see, and you have a choice between three different characters rather than just two, which is also pretty good just in case you get tired of playing as Mike Haggar. Aside from all that though, you know what you are going to get with this game. You go through the six stages and beat up the same dudes over and over again, and while it is fun for a little bit, it definitely drags at certain points. Not to mention, your moveset remains completely unchanged from the original. You still just get one attack button, which is fine, as you can still perform the same moves that you could in the original, but again, some variety with the moves, as well as how the moves look, would’ve been appreciated.

Not to mention, there are parts of this game that just flat out suck, such as with some of the enemies and bosses. I am well aware that it may just be my fault for playing through the game by myself, but I swear, a lot of the enemies in this game are just damage sponges, and they will just CONSTANTLY take damage over and over and over again, and by the time you actually do beat them, it feels it has been years. This also applies to without a doubt the hardest boss in the game, Rolent. This boss moves around insanely fast, and can also hit just as fast as well, to the point where you can barely land a three-hit combo normally without getting smacked down immediately afterwards. The optimal strategy would be to just spam the jump kick on him, which definitely does work, but then there is the problem of his RIDICULOUS health bar, so it took forever to finally knock him down. By the time I was done, I didn’t feel accomplished or triumphant, but instead, it just felt good to finally be done so I could move onto the last stage, that’s how bad it was.

Overall, despite a complete lack of change or many of the damage sponge foes you fight, Final Fight 2 is still an alright sequel, one that won’t be doing anything to convince you it wants to innovate or change, but it will still provide a fun enough time when you got a buddy by your side. I would recommend it for big fans of Final Fight, as well as fans of beat-’em-ups in general, but for everyone else, I would say, if you played through the original Final Fight and didn’t really get into it, then this game isn’t gonna do anything to convince you otherwise. Let’s just hope that the next game after this actually does something to change up the gameplay, or innovate the genre in some way. We don’t want this series to become another Golden Axe for me, as I actually like this series, and I don’t wanna see it get bad right now….

Game #402

Divertido mas nem tanto, meio genérico e fraquinho.

Tbh characters are kinda cool and feel good to play as and I could point out that a lot of its problems are part of the genre, also present in more popular games, but the truth is that this game is just uninspired. While other beat em ups compensate their faults with great aesthetics and music, this has p much nothing going for it outside of the characters. At least is better than SNES version of 1.

Who doesn't love Mike Haggar?

Don't know if its an emulator issue but the game feels way too sluggish compared to the first game on arcade

There is not much here, slow and monotonous. Enemies just are not as memorable as in Final Fight one, and they have way too much health. By the end of the game my thumb was killing me.

I finally set up a SNES emulator, so expect more reviews on SNES games in the coming months!

Considering how much I love Final Fight 1, I was expecting to like this too, and for the most part I did! There are some pretty big problems stopping this from becoming a peak beat-em-up though.

Well, firstly, there really isn't much new from the first game. Hell, you even still have to press the attack and jump button together to do a special (come on capcom, there are 4 other buttons). What is new are 2 different characters, Carlos and Maki! They don't matter though, since you're gonna be picking Haggar anyway.

The length is a massive problem too. Final Fight 1 already dragged a little bit, but this one takes it up a notch. Even on Easy, my playtime was exceeding an hour. I know I shouldn't be talking like this is a bad thing, considering Streets Of Rage 3 is one of my favourite games oat, but that game has loads of fun gimmicks that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. In Final Fight 2, you fight 3 enemies, move a little, fight another 3 enemies, move a little, fight a BS boss, and onto the next round.

Even with those problems, I find it hard to not like this game. I mean, you can play as a Mayor who preforms fuckin pile drivers on his people, what more can I say?