Reviews from

in the past

I did beat Minecraft in survival mode for the first time without using creative mode

its alright, I enjoyed the game more when I was younger but now its just alright

Fun game, but can get boring after a while

Heavily carried by nostalgia i wish i could think of a worse game with content updates

2011-2014 was such a good time man, take me back :(((

Maybe the perfect game. So much of my childhood.

Addicte deeeepuis, chaque année, la pulsion des cubes reviens plus forte. Merci Mojang.

Its Minecraft. Need I say more?

sadly, i dont think is the game for me. i played this game alot when i was younger, yet i never felt motivated to defeat the final boss and got bored. playing it now felt pretty much the same. welp, at least i know open world survival isnt really my thing and i dont need to play everything the internet loved. thanks minecraft.

I mean it's good but it kinda gets boring without mods or friends

вроде крутая игра но я так и не научился играть

Took a star off because the devs are lazy.

This game is great until you play Terraria and realize how barebones and boring this game’s endgame is.

I have been playing sense Beta 1.7.3, and have continued up until currently release of 1.20.

I haven't found myself disagreeing with many of the newer versions and many have stressed online (and by newer I mean past version release 1.8 and under) I think they have all been lovely addition to the game be them mechanical additions or aesthetic updates (like added biomes or concrete.)

My only grip is how fast updates come up leaving very little time for mod devs to update their mods for the game. Having to juggle many different versions is annoying. I also see the game progressing lack luster which either makes it or breaks it for some types of gamers.

Overall a great game over the years. Was my childhood and now into the early twenties. If you somehow have yet to try it, if you like exploration and building, I recommend typing it out on Java Edition.

Eskiden olsaydı 5 yıldızı bırakın puanlama bile yapamazdım ancak şuan oyun ölü bir halde,yeni gelen hiç bir update hype yaşatmıyor ve bu açıkcası bu oyunun neden ölüyor olmasını açıklıyor.Eskiden oyun sade bir hayatta kalma oyunu iken şuan sadece yeni bir şeyler eklemeyi çabalayan,makineye bağlanmış bir hasta gibi.Gerçekten çok merak ediyorum arkanızda Microsoft olmasına rağmen yılda 1 güncelleme getirmek sizi mutlu ediyor mu? Beni etmiyor....

easiest five stars i will ever give

One of, if not, the best game ever released.

one of the best games ever made

L'un des plus grands jeux de tous les temps, n'ayons pas peur des mots. Epicube tu me manques

Minecraft. Nostalgic. Freedom.
Minecraft certainly made many memories in the hearts and minds of most in the video game industry. From those who played on PC to those who played on the wii(freaks) we can all say Minecraft gives us many blessed and heartfelt memories of our pasts. For me, it was the 360 version of Minecraft, my those days were good when little oh me was trapped within the confines of a set map limit. From building a castle to creating a redstone door(in creative mode) to having my xbox friends make their own little home on a single out of place street. Minecraft brings that nostalgia to all who view their old words.
I've run out of deep words to say about Minecraft.
360 version is the goat, pocket edition is a goat
and bedrock edition is an abomination.

Cosa vi devo dire, Minecraft è IL gioco.

things have gotten a little frustrating within the past few years but I feel it would be genuinely remiss of me to rank it anything other than five stars. totally shaped my 12-14 year old years. I would, in some capacity, be a different person without Minecraft

and theres just so many ways to enjoy it. there's such a community around it. how could it not be loved by me

O jogo mais OVERRATED de todos. Esse jogo era "genial" e "revolucionário" em 2012. Estamos em 2024.