Reviews from

in the past

I really like a lot of the things that this game does. I like the concept, style, voice acting, music, ambiance, and plenty more. The gameplay is fine, though very repetitive. I usually don't mind games that cap at 30 fps, but for a game that can be very fast-paced it is definitely held back.
However, the biggest reason why I dropped this game is it actually makes me motion-sick. This is no fault of the game, I just get motion-sick very easily so I just can't keep going. It's quite unfortunate because I do like the progression system of researching to improve your garage.

So, even though I'm abandoning this game after 20 or so hours, I am quite impressed with Ironwood Studios' debut game and I will certainly be watching their future projects. I feel as if they are a studio that does a lot of things right, and I'm definitely a fan. I just hope their future projects don't involve driving as much.

Played the beginning; good premise, fantastic atmosphere, banger OST and fun enough gameplay.
Currently though, I'm just not feeling it, and I feel like I've played a bit of the game to not feel like I'm missing out and to not feel compelled to play more.

Really fun and entertaining, but the tutorial detracts from the fun. I think we as a society should evolve past mid tutorials. Music bangs tho

I recently got my driver's licence and while Pacific Drive is not an accurate depiction of what it's like to drive a car, it's a pretty accurate representation of the anxiety I get while I'm driving a car. Mild to extreme stress at all times. Very good.

wish there was more of a focus on the relaxing part of driving

no puedo aguantarlo más, la historia parecía buena pero explorar los mismos lugares una y otra vez me estaba rompiendo el orto

My favorite part was just driving in the pacific northwest. There’s def a great game here, but it’s just not for me at the moment