Reviews from

in the past

ja foi muito bom, pena q a epic games existe

Drive a car and hit the ball and hope it goes into the goal. easy to start, hard to master. There's really nothing more to it than that.

Cool game that combined cars and soccer and that’s about all.


It's a fun game, but it has a very difficult learning curve for me.

Put some hours into this. Cool game.

Sou um dos piores jogador desse jogo.

I have the PS4 platinum trophy for this game. I dont know how I got it.

I leaked coolant all over the screen

Aburrido oo aburrido aaaaaburrido😴

Divertido con amigos pero frustrante cuando te mete con cabrones que se la viven en este pinche juego y tu solo llevas 1 semana jugando, no se mamen con su emparejamiento.

Was good until they made it free

حلو التكنيك حقها لاكن تطفش منها مع الوقت + شريتها يوم كانت بفلوس قبل ما تنزل مجانية

valorant would never be as fun as this

The game is kind of fun but I can never bring myself to play it much because the controls are just too annoying. The cars lack the accuracy and precision necessary to make them feel like they're doing what you want them to do. I feel like whenever I drive toward the ball, there's only a 50% chance I actually hit it and a 50% chance I just miss it entirely. It makes the game frustrating and it feels like the skill floor is too high to play casually.

difficult to learn how to play good

I have put an ungodly number of hours into this game. The skill floor is an even playing field, the skill ceiling is one of the highest I've ever seen in a spreadsheetless eSport, and I just can't put it down.

I don't really like anything this game has to offer

I played it before it was changed into a free-to-play model, so I don't know how much it has changed since then, but I really liked it and I have fond memories of playing matches with my friends.

extremely well designed game that's fun to get good at until you hit champ level lol

Como eu sinto falta dos meu amigos argentinos me xingando e me chamando de macaco 🥰