Reviews from

in the past

Might just be me, but this game just never landed with me. I enjoyed it for awhile, but after awhile it just felt uninteresting to me. I haven't touched it in years. And I don't plan on playing it again.

Every single person that wins against me is cheating

Jeu simple en apparence, seulement en apparence. C'est objectivement quelqu'un et subjectivement j'ai passé un bon moment à être nul, mais aussi c'est un plaisir d'apprendre des choses simple mais stylé.

Skill based game, always improving in techs and becoming even more complicated. Still, awesome

This game is way too sweaty for my liking, but it’s pretty fun when me and my brother queue up and spend the whole match just driving into other players and blowing them up

O jogo é maravilhoso, eu que sou uma ameba e não consigo dominar os controles

Não tem erro, um futebol de carro que você basicamente consegue voar também? Esse jogo é o pico da genialidade

Human brain is not ready for football with cars

muy entretenido y una idea muy unica

Just sometime I play this game with some friends or with my girlfriend. Tried to platinum it too on Playstation 4 but couldn't get one because of some bug.

I really liked this game until they turned it into a money sink and then let Epic beat it to death.

really fun and unique game, great to play with friends, huge learning curve but after getting past it its one of the most expressive and skillful games, only downside is that they got rid of cases and trading in favor of a battle pass. peak shaking head emoji

- Really fun game mixing soccer with mini-car flips and tricks.
- The mechanics of this game are actually quiet complex on how you can control your car, positioning and ball control which gives it longevity.
- Supported by the fact it has a strong multi-player scene and strong online support.

divertido nas primeiras 5 partidas depois disso o seu cerebro ta derretendo como uma camara de tortura pessoal criada pelo proprio belzebu

Joguinho muito divertido, tinha uma época onde eu tentava ficar bom nisso, obviamente fracassei, atualmente não jog mais porém continuo achando um bom jogo

I have been playing it on and off for years now, and man to sum it up, its a phenomenal game, brilliantly designed, the perfect combination of skill and chaos, but is limited by the fact it basically hasn't had a new content update in more than half a decade(which wasn't skins).

eu achava a gameplay muito complicada antes, mas é legalzinho(eu era horirvel)

O jogo é bem bonito e parte de uma ideia muito legal, só que na minha opinião a curva de aprendizado é gigantesca. Fazer aquilo que se vê em clipes de Tik Tok e etc é de uma dificuldade tremenda. Porém, na minha experiência, o jogo não me divertiu o suficiente para que eu me esforçasse para aprender mais, sempre acabava me sentindo perdido jogando.

It's car football which is fun I guess but this was one of those online games where I play it for like four hours and then literally never touch it again.

o jogo mais másculo da história, quem fez isso aqui deve comer churrasco e tomar cerveja todo dia que nem o Ken

Really Fun Game With Friends

i remember it being rather fun, but nerve-racking at times lol

Fun to occasionally play with friends. But you can only play football with cars for so long.

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