Reviews from

in the past

Ew. I played this for 10 minutes and realised that this wasn’t a worthy successor to the great slime rancher. I will re review soon once I’ve played it all, but for now you are a disgrace to the slime rancher name.

I'm really optimistic for this. I'm already enjoying the early access more than the whole first game, which is really saying something. I find it a lot more fun and less stressful to explore, and the game really looks gorgeous. It's exciting to know it'll only get better once it's finished and fully-featured. I gotta respect the development process and how tricky it is to balance with player expectations for a sequel.

Eu acredito fielmente que esse jogo terá um futuro brilhante, ele consegue melhorar absolutamente tudo o que o primeiro já tinha de bom, mas... no estado atual, parece apenas uma versão modificada do primeiro jogo, não cheguei a notar que realmente justifique esse jogo ser uma sequência. (Excluindo a história, já que não está completa ainda).

Como esse aqui ainda não foi lançado completamente, sugiro jogar o primeiro jogo mesmo, pelo menos por enquanto, já que ele continua sendo extremamente divertido e incrível.

More mechanics than the first time. More slimes than the first game. A lot of Beatrix's relationships from the first game carrying over into the second makes my chest feel a little funny. It's nice when I feel like my actions really mattered in the sequel, even though the sequel is just assuming that I did everything available in the original game.