Reviews from

in the past

Можно массово убивать данмеров 👍

Hey remember Seyda Neen? It's actually been there all along since 2e. Oh remember Ergalla guy that greets you at character creation? His ancestor greets you as well! Remember Llevule Andrano's skull you needed to retrieve? You can meet him here! Remember misandristic Drata? You'll learn why she became like that! Remember naked nords fooled by witches? You can see one of them again! Remember lost Vassir-Didanat mine? You'll learn what the accident was there! Remember dwemer ruins at Gnisis egg mine? You can see them again! Remember false incarnate Conoon Chodala? You can meet him here! Remember Lich Barilzar from Tribunal? You can meet him too!

We all love easter eggs, references, homages, whatever, but DEAR GOD there's a limit to that. The more you include them, the more you lose your identity(ahem ahem Signalis) and the less references feel impactful.

This dlc is genuinely good, but a lot of the time it feels like simple nostalgia bait. Yes, those moments are generally well written and expand the lore in interesting ways, but ZOS should've focused on something original instead and it was great when they did it! Just wish we got more of it.