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I had decided to play this off-stream since I have an issue with all these damn simulators that have sprung up over the years. Often being poorly programmed and a sad attempt to hit a viral high. Now, thankfully this is not that which is a good thing because ever since playing Thief and Thief 2 I've been after a similar styled game. A first-person game where you sneak around, steal stuff, fulfil missions and use all kinds of unique tools to accomplish these things and this game covers much of that.

Beyond that, the Thief similarities end I'm afraid. Especially in regards to the story.

You play as someone who was recently given bail by a crime family, with the intent to have you continue your thieving ways to pay back the debt to them by doing little missions for them, stealing certain items, planting devices and more. Your contact, Vinnie (fairly generic gangster name right there), tells you the basics and you have helpful tutorials to teach you how to use all the different tools you get, including different kinds of lock picks for different locks, a glass cutter, car signal cloner, hacking devices and more!

The downsides to me however are the following.
Glitchy - Obviously, don't be too harsh on this small company for releasing a game with glitches. Hell, people praise Bethesda and their glitches for some stupid reason and have much less of an excuse than the developers behind this game. That said, I've had issues where sometimes items don't move with the draw when opening it or there's clipping issues with walls and fences, which suggests to me that these building parts were from a pack. No hate if they are or not. Unfortunately there are issues with clipping that's all.
Weight limit - I'm not a fan of weight limits of encumbrance. There's a reason I always mod the fallout games to get rid of it by setting the max load to being extremely high! For this game I understand as they want you to be want to revisit the locations multiple times as the game is more Sandbox in how it approaches these locations.
That said, I still feel the limit on the cars is too low, but once you get your electronics skill high enough, big heavy items are usually worth nowhere near as much as phones, laptops and pads once you remove the security on them. In Thief you could take as much as possible, however, they were split into levels that you couldn't revisit and it made it much more fun that you could take as much time as you want finding all the secrets and leaving with a huge horde. Certain items have weights that I really think they shouldn't have, like climbing gloves or the lockpicks. Thankfully the money doesn't have any weight or I'd be losing it! Jewellery also seems to have a weight despite, arguably, being lighter than the stacks of bills that are about to explode out of your wallet!
*Not enough skills - When you get to the point of the game I'm in with a level well into the 30s, I have 9 points to spend, but nothing to spend it on! This is a bit of a pain and makes me wonder if they shouldn't have just created a level-cap or if they are still actively adding more content to the game? They have released a second game so it seems unlikely, however, they did release a DLC recently and have announced another one on the way!

Beyond this, I've been struggling to NOT play it as you get that adrenalin rush and scratch that itch I had from playing the Thief games where you were sneaking around and trying to explore things before escaping...though often I knocked out all the potential witnesses and hid them away so I could go around without worrying about a guard around the corner!

With this game, though, you can mark items of interest and people to get a good idea where they're going about the house, what their daily routine is and as there's a day and night cycle, when they're going to be in bed too so you can effectively plan around this and sleep in your car if needed to pass the time.

I'm looking to spending many more hours in this game and having a whole lot of fun in this and probably buying the second when I get around to it.

The fact that this isn't just some guy's school project is an affront to mankind.