Reviews from

in the past

פוטנציאל ענק
חרא קהילה עם כל הג'נקסי הזה

no me deja ponerle 0 pero sino se lo pondria, 2000 horas de mi vida desperdiciadas, sida asco sifilis gonorrea herpes

Um bom jogo no geral, jogo ele há muito tempo, ele possui mecânicas e personagens muito únicos, mas os bugs e os problemas relacionados aos servidores ACABAM com a experiência do jogador, além de problemas de balanceamento.

Absolutely horrible game has absolutely no redeeming qualities

One of the best SnD style shooters ever made.

Buggy, doesn’t feel good to play, competitive experience is full of cheaters, hard to learn. Need I say more

A competent and fun FPS multiplayer game that I'll play every now and then to fry the fuck out of my brain.

Joguei em 2016 na BGS junto com um amigo (Ex-amigo hoje em dia). Se na época não fosse pago, eu teria me viciado com o meu PC. Lembro de ter matado 2 da minha equipe pq eu não sabia nem jogar e nem que tinha fogo amigo kkkkkkkkkkk

Game was decent in season 3

The gameplay of this game is the antithesis of what I enjoy in a shooter. You can explode walls though.

I'm somewhat of a veteran, came around 2016-2017

Fun with friends, fun sometimes in solo. As long as you're level-headed, this is a good """tactical""" "strategy" game.

Really wish they kept with the semi-realism instead of going sci-fi.

This is a review of Operation Deadly Omen.

Definitely one of the weakest seasons in the game's entire lifecycle. I have no idea how this new update got everyone playing again, but here we are. Deimos is cool and I guess the lore is going somewhere? I don't know, I don't really follow Rainbow lore. The core multiplayer is still great but removing Situations and Terrorist Hunt was FUCKING STUPID. As a T-Hunt player, I am fucking LIVID. And then they replaced it with a stupid Practice vs AI mode that ISNT EVEN FUCKING FINISHED. Fuck Ubisoft and fuck this update. The online plays fine though.

passei bons tempos com esse jogo, sinceramente nn vejo tanta graça nesse jogo como antes
queria o reembolso dos meus elites...

Um dos melhores FPS que já joguei.
O jogo tem 1 ou 2 músicas no máximo, mas o que não tem de música, ele tem de efeito sonoro, que por sinal é muito bom. A comunidade desse jogo também não é das melhores, visto que, você é cobrado com xingamentos por todo erro que comete.
O seu rank não depende tanto da mira, então é possível ir escalando apenas jogando na maldade e na experiência.

Para dizer a verdade, é bem triste ver que o jogo recebeu diversas atualizações péssimas, que pioraram tantos os mapas quanto na dinâmica de gameplay.

Recomendo se você quiser perder algumas horas do seu dia tentando achar pixel para matar os oponentes.

i only played operation health and bit after but man it was good.. and now idk what is going on anymore but it’s still pretty decent

The fell off a little from when I used to play it around year 2-3, but there's still plenty fun to be had. You can get pretty creative with strats and just mess around if you don't want to focus on the competitive side.

Used to be good. Not anymore.

This game is so fun and makes me want to kill myself

Fun with friends and when alone cool operators with cool ability's.

3 individuals made this game ass

Kill Cam Simulator
Most of my experience with this game was players Pixel Peeking. Your playing one second move or Turn a corner and the game cuts to the kill cam

No no, si te juro que la Amaru es buen personaje solo dejame rushear esta.

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fuck this game

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fuck this game honestly, but sadly it is the best competitive fps right now

Five Nights At Freddys with guns

For the love of god please play this with JUST friends.