Reviews from

in the past

muito legal, muito bonito, só que meu jogo no primeiro tutorial bugou e eu não consegui passar nem fudendo na parte de apertar TAB para ver os controles do jogo.


Ranked can suck it, I live for the clusterfuck that is quickplay. Game kinda sucks without friends though.

Rainbow Six Siege is the ultimate tactical shooter that really embraces the tactical side of FPS games. It's nearly impossible to carry a team by yourself and each game keeps moving and is filled with tension. Each operator has a different gun loadout and makes use of different gadgets to help them in the game, ranging from crossbow bolts to cluster grenades. Each game and map feels separate from each other, which is nice for variety in a multiplayer FPS.

In-game character models look kinda silly, but those don't really matter all that much. The only other gripe I have is Uplay itself, which sometimes feels like the servers are held together with duct tape.

Super fun game and actually forces you to play tactically and get good at aiming and shooting in general.

Peak multiplayer
The idea of the game is just amazing
The gameplay is very fun with the different characters that have different abilities, the gameplay have that tension felling
The design of most of the maps are great
The gameplay depends on a strategy that you must make
The sound design is very good
The events that come are fun
You will always have fun when you play it with your friends, it depends on team work
I just hope they will do an update that upgrade the graphics

Rainbow Six Siege is intense! It's all about tactical close-quarters combat, where one wrong move can mean you're dead. Learning all the maps, operators, and gadgets takes time, so there's a steep learning curve. It's super satisfying when you finally get the hang of it, but man, it can be toxic as heck online. If you've got a squad of friends to play with and don't mind a challenge, Siege can offer some truly thrilling moments.

Games-as-a-service character bloat was pretty bad for this game. Alright shooting. Sometimes you meet cool people in lobbies but most of the time people don't use the mic or are soooo fucking annoying.

O jogo é complexo, a comunidade é podre e eu sou péssimo nele, não é uma combinação boa, mas rendeu uns momentos bem engraçados com meus amigos kkkkkkkkk

Não digo que é o melhor FPS que já joguei pois eu simplesmente joguei Counter Strike, mas sim, esse seria meu top 2 FPS, é um jogo de outro mundo, e é SUPER bem construído.

"Who's Clancy? Ok, let me explain" - Tom Clancy

FPS diferente dos padrões, onde a estratégia e posicionamento é mais importante do que a mira em si. A curva de aprendizagem é gigante e díficil pra caralho, não faz meu tipo e mesmo assim é achei bem legal. Apenas não jogue sozinho, depender de boludo racista é foda

its alright but the community is way too toxic...

This game used to be my number one favorite game of all time (got like 2200 hours on this game) during Operation Burnt Horizon - Shifting Tides, it was a peak fucking game. Good cosmetics, awesome special community, no sweaty tryhards, new maps, new innovative operators, new events and etc.

But ever since the Void Edge operation the game has just gotten worse and worse with time. They removed the old scopes, introduced operators who are way too powerful and got too many abilities (it feels like they belong in Apex Legends and not a tactical shooter game), locked everything behind battlepasses (they only did it once a year before during a collection event) and buffed/nerfed the wrong things. Like for instance: which dumbass thought it was a great fucking idea to nerf Goyo, a character literally nobody plays because he's too weak?!?. The community also changed and it now feels like the only one's playing are kids coming from Fortnite who are more obsessed with kills than doing any type of teamwork. They also turnt more toxic. Also the limited time exclusive content that I grinded very hard for came back a year later just because they couldn't come up with a new event so all my grinding was for nothing and it's something I'm super pissed over. It also seems like this game is just fan service when they've added Sam Fisher (which I can understand), 2B, Lara Croft and more. They also got rid of the community challenges and the weekly weapon charms or garanteed epic alpha packs that were added as celebrations to different countries national days or traditions.

They also nerfed the terrorist hunt renown so now you gotta grind much more and longer for no reason other than that they wanna make money of you. They also stopped and removed a bunch of skins so that you would buy more alpha packs from them. They also just remake everything nowadays and do so with maps that didn't even have to be remaked.

I can go on and on but I'm just so pissed that Ubisoft killed this wonderful game because of their greed and their stupid decisions.

i despise this game yet I fkin love this game
everybody has their favorite shooter , and this is mine
r6 is just a different breed bro
on 1 hand this is a tactical fps with a lot of thought put in it , on the other hand the servers sometimes barely work the hitbox is bs ''ou warden is op .. lets nerf sledge ''
i m playn this shit tornado of a game since the end of year 4 with breaks cuz I care about my mental health (a lil) and I can't faking hit diamond
but this shit is one of the most entertaining games if u have some friends to take with along this torturous ride (or maybe im just hating myself ...prolly if u have some friends who like piu piu games give it a go)

This game's a living hell of shitty balancing, toxic communities, and glitches.

Would not recommend, as someone who's been playing on a near daily basis for years \:

Good shooting mechanics, but difficult to get good at. Toxic/competitive community make for an unpleasant experience. Basically the League of Legends of shooters.

Game is so different than when it first game out. Now more in the Sci-Fi genre than tactical multiplayer shooter. Feels clunky to play. Not smooth or satisfying, but the core gameplay loop is very fun. The strategy that comes with operaters is this games strongsuit.

yes this game is crazy flawed, but i have played this game for 1000 hours, and i can say it is best played while treated like a sandbox game. i have had some of the most fun ever playing a game while playing this with friends. just trying the stupidest strategies ever, and they always work. this isn't a game i recommend you take very seriously, as you will NOT have a good time.

this game is NOT perfect but it's given me some of my favorite memories playing a game and i gotta give it that

oh my god one of the worst experiences I've ever had in online multiplayer gaming

had its downs but the highs are insane, unfortunately it's becoming cod

My friend loves this game, he forced me to platinum it. I hate this game I am so glad this is over.

I gave my time to this game, i gave my money to this game, i gave my tears to this game, i gave my sweat to this game, i gave my soul to this game