Reviews from

in the past

i think this is the best warioware in terms of games, style, and presentation, but the format does best as a handheld, so.

The handlebar

Turn the Form Baton sideways and grasp the ends firmly in both hands.
Like riding a bicycle, perfecting this stance requires grace, steadiness, and tight shorts.

A fun game but fuck motion controls especially in the final level

In the spirit of WarioWare, I'll keep my review micro-sized. It's entertaining, wacky, and a good early showcase for the possibilities of Wii Remote gameplay. It's super short, though, and I swear the controls are just straight up imprecise sometimes, which is not a good thing for a score attack game. If you've got friends around, it'll give you a fun night together. It honestly would have been a good pack-in title for the Wii alongside Wii Sports. If nothing else I've said has shown whether or not this game is for you, watch the clip linked below. It'll quickly tell you if this is up your alley.

there are people that don't like this treasure because of its motion controls and while that opinion is incredibly valid i don't have the courage to invite you to parties because frankly i don't think you would be any fun

a really fun entry in the warioware series though not my favorite, not for any real reason bc they're all good games

the pinicle of humour both in my childhood, and now. however i do think growing up, this shaped my sense of humour so idk take that as you will ig

Genius use of the Wii Remote