Reviews from

in the past

I got to be an unemployed adult before I actually became an unemployed adult

why did new horizons ruin the vibes of the franchise 😭

This game was my everything throughout my childhood. I’ve played this for thousands of hours as I would take my 3DS anywhere and everywhere.

the best animal crossing game and just one of the best 3ds games

The single best Animal Crossing ever created. Eventually I'll return to this to extol its virtues, but it's just so insanely good... The characters feel like characters of their own, there's so much stuff to do at all times, it's just the PEAK of Animal Crossing games!!

my favorite animal crossing. outdoors decoration adds so much. i just wish they did something about durability

Not much to say except this game was THE thing for baby me when it first released. I cannot however judge my time with it in good faith since baby me stopped playing after she was forced to grieve over Margie leaving her town during a weekend away. A most tragic betrayal...

That being said ACNL is a great life sim and a great entryway into wider gaming in my opinion, the characters are really fun, the aesthetic is adorable, and it's just a wonderful little piece of escapism where there's always something new to do! It's been so long that I don't have much else I can say on it, but it'll forever be a huge recommend from me.

What's it say that when we got the hankering to play an Animal Crossing in 2023, we went to this instead of New Horizons? ...Well, preference, for one thing. But we think it's a little bit more than that; New Leaf has just held up surprisingly well, even over a decade later. For a handheld game, there's a surprisingly large quantity of stuff to it--and the Welcome amiibo DLC managed to make the game even larger!

If you have a 3DS, you owe it to yourself to check this game out, we feel. Also, please Netpass us if you have a modded 3DS, we need that Streetpass badge, NOW.

Great game, with all the characters finally getting glow-ups from the N64-era models they had since the first game. Tortimer Island is still a really cute addition for multiplayer. Welcome amiibo update added a ton to the game after which was cool. Only complaint was that villager housing randomly moved overtop of some of my pathways that made it hard to get around.

It was like a drug! A racoon shaped drug!

just the right amount of everything. maybe there's no such thing as a PERFECT game (new villagers should not move onto my flower bed), its pretty damn close. very sentimentally attached to this one in a way that just never happened with new horizons

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a nostalgia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

the best animal crossing experience currently available. everybody say thank you isabelle

spend way too many hours trying to wake up al but 10/10 game a big part of my childhood

better than new horizons that's for sure

Better than New Horizons any day

casse les couilles quand t'es un sale geek le shop reset tous les jours faut attendre

Best game in the series, honestly! Incredibly nostalgic too, and an atmosphere that can't be beat. I'll never forget those early morning town bench sitting looking out over the ocean in the blue hour.

they could never make me hate you animal crossing

Best animal crossing title ong

its just immaculate. played it for 2 years whereas i quit new horizons after a few months.. wake that up

one of the best games i've ever played

I like this one so much but I don't have the energy for 2 animal crossings and I've moved on to the Switch one. Plus last time I played Gaston moved out so what's even the point.