Reviews from

in the past

The drums, I still hear the drums...

I don't know what hits harder. The percussion soundtrack or the ape.

Simple, beautiful game with amazing music, but not that fun to play after a bit. Got too repetitive.

This game is very mechanically simple, but that doesn't make a bad game in any way, in fact I think its what makes it an amazing game. So many games that come out focus on empowering the player and giving them more options, which is really cool, but I think a game like this shows you that limiting player freedom and forcing them to get creative is also really awesome and I want more devs to explore that. This game would also not be nearly as good without the excellent art direction and music, complementing your every move and just oozing good game feel. It also helps that I'm a complete sucker for games with a strong sense of style but I think this game stands out even without that.

An imaginative game full of flashy visuals and vibrant music, but an unequally lacking amount of enjoyable gameplay mechanisms.