Reviews from

in the past

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Will I ever be able to feel again after playing this game? I actually love the combat in this game so much, oh my God (the romance is fine too ig).

What a journey! It took me over 100 hours to finish Baldur's Gate 3, but every time I booted up the game, I found myself completely immersed and thoroughly enjoying the experience. The game's replayability and the freedom it offers are truly remarkable, allowing players to explore different paths and outcomes with each playthrough.

It's astonishing that all of this came from an indie studio rather than a big AAA company. Larian Studios has genuinely outdone themselves, and Baldur's Gate 3 deserves all the praise and awards it has received.

serio esse jogo é inacreditavel. de verdade. peak demais. era tudo que eu queria por ANOS da minha vida condensado em um jogo só

While I do have several critiques with the story and content towards the end of Act II and majority of Act III, the story, characters, and general writing are mostly well done. In addition, the turn-based combat and encounter design are excellently designed.

Waiting for a better pc. Why life sucks?

yeah the hype is completely justified, the game maintained or exceeded every one of my expectations

A perfect gaming achievemnt. The industry stardard.

This was one of the greatest adventures I've ever played through. It's been a while since a game has introduced me to an entirely new set of characters and I've enjoyed each of them and wanted to learn even more about them. Their lore entranced me as I continued to navigate through the game. The ending was a thrill-ride that I wasn't anticipating.

I want more. Though I am hoping for a DLC announcement of some kind with an additional story or even maybe some side stories, I would be elated if the story of these characters can continue. In the meantime, I'll play through it again with a different set of characters in my party.

Shadowheart will always be bae.

the definitive crpg - i'm at almost 300 hours but only have three different playthroughs logged, two of which aren't even completed saves.


DnD called you, they want their Roleplaying Elements back.

One of the few games that deserves its popularity.

Desde o early access já acompanhava um pouco do desenvolvimento do jogo pois gosto muito de rpg de mesa, quando lançou e pude experienciar essa obra prima instantaneamente virou meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos.
A forma como o jogo consegue portar a experiencia de um rpg de mesa é incrível, cada ação influência mais do que um simples "final ruim" ou um "final bom". O carinho que a empresa tem com o jogo é um exemplo para todos da indústria seguirem, muito obrigado Larian!

This is the best game I have ever played and I don't think I could find another game that is better than this. The story/characters are amazing, best turn-based combat I have ever played, great exploration and worldbuilding, and a very incredible soundtrack. Every playthrough of the game can be VASTLY different from your previous one. Every type of build you can do has SO MUCH stuff you can do with them. This game has also made me cry the most times out of any video game ever, it made me cry my eyes out 3 different times. Love this game so much and I hope to see something similar to it in the future.

One of the best games ive ever played. And also my first turn based RPG game. Story was awesome (Even i dont have any idea about DD world). Characters were so good. Cutscenes is so good to. But combat, combat is the best thing. It was really fun to play. Every fight was tough. You cannot play like oh these are basic enemies so itll be easy. Its not actually. Every fight is challange. And it was super good. One the best video games of all time. Must Play

I love this game but I took a break and now I'm too overwhelmed to finish it

(also i think act 3 is a bit worse than the rest of the game so I started to get annoyed)

Game too unrealistic, monk was one of the strongest classes 0/10

Eu tô gostando demais desse, infelizmente o PC não tá aguentando, tive que pausar para voltar futuramente.

i almost didnt buy this game because i wasn't sure i would like it. it has since eaten me alive

Larian shows everyone how it's done. A masterclass in RPG design that nails everything about Dungeons and Dragons. The story is reactive to your choices which allows for immense role play. In the same vein the gameplay is tactical and engaging. A stellar adventure that is a must-play for any modern gamer.

note to self - tav save is on act 3, durge in act 1

too lazy to log but already played this game 3 times within like 2 months and plan to play more soon :)

Esse jogo é a definição perfeita do que é um RPG, magnifico do início ao fim. Demorei 210h na primeira gameplay fazendo o máximo de coisas que consegui e ainda assim faltou coisas pra ser exploradas. Apenas incrível.

Minha relação com esse jogo foi: jogar por 1:40h e dropar, voltar 6 meses depois e gostar muito, passar 8h e não conseguir mais evoluir, um amigo meu me ajuda com uma build, passar 30h e ficar desanimado e ficar um tempinho sem jogar, voltar e amar demais esse jogo.
Foi o 1° jogo nesse estilo que eu jogo, já joguei outros RPGs de turno mas nada igual a BG3, vc tem q ser muito tático e saber gerenciar bem as suas ações.
Eu sou um jogador de primeira viagem com esse tipo de jogo então eu achei ele bem desequilibrado, admito que boa parte do jogo foi eu trocando do Normal pro Easy e personalizando a dificuldade pois tinham inimigos q eu não conseguia derrotar.
A exploração é bem legal, suas quests são meio secretas pois se vc não for ir conversando com os NPCs, o jogo não vai te falar que ele tem uma quest, mas completar elas as vezes pode ser meio confusa.
Os personagens e a trama são bem desenvolvidos e as consequências das suas ações e encontros aleatórios são algo impressionante, nunca vi nada igual. Comparei meu jogo com 2 amigos e tivemos acontecimentos totalmente diferentes um dos outros.
Enfim eu recomendo pra quem curte muito esse estilo de jogo, mas pessoalmente não sei se rejogaria BG3 ou jogaria outro jogo parecido com ele no futuro.

Obs: zerei com 50:43h

Historias god, personajes increibles combate costoso pero sin ser molesto, y 119 horas de pura balada glorica

O que faz esse jogo tão bom é a curiosidade de saber a consequência da sua próxima escolha.

I have complicated feelings about this game I played it for a long time and it's definitely fun but it doesn't have a consistent quality throughout the entire game, some characters' writing is incredible while others are shallow, the 3rd act is rushed and suffocating, the worldbuilding is just not that good and so on

One of the best games I've played in a long time. I can't stop making new playthroughts to experiment with different builds and stories. Glad Larian is finally in the spotlight the way they should have been for the Divinity games.