Reviews from

in the past

A bit on the easy side and bit of a rehash of Aria of Sorrow but the boss fights do make up for it.

Prefiro o Aria mas esse continua sendo excelente.

Dawn of Sorrow is a middling entry in the crop of Igavania releases. That still makes it an excellent game. However, there are aspects of the game that are notably lesser.

I'll be honest and say that I find Soma's ability to use abilities derived from monsters' souls to be neat but ultimately not ideal, an ability present in Aria of Sorrow before it and Bloodstained after. These souls/abilities drop at random rates from specific monsters. The game is smart enough to not lock abilities required to progress behind randomized drops (they generally are obtained from mandatory boss fights) but many abilties you may just never see or experience because of RNG (some of which may be exceedingly useful in certain places or boss fights even if they are not required.) This is the biggest thing that detracts from the game for me, but I completely see why this might be some fans' favorite part of the game.

Art, music, and overall aesthetic is one the entire Castlevania series strong suits, and in this game it's all - fine. Some standouts, the opening theme is the best track in the game (which is arguably true of all Castlevania games) but everything after isn't terribly memorable. Areas in the castle stick to tradition pretty strongly even though this isn't Dracula's castle: clock tower, garden, chapel, caves, etc. Boss fights are ok, with only one or two being a bit frustrating (but also keep in mind if you were lucky enough to get one or two strong attacks from RNG monster drops you may not have this problem.)

The insistence on using the DS to draw magic seals is a contentious addition for many. I found it a little intrusive. At it's worst, it's annoying to have to keep doing it everytime you restart a boss fight you're stuck on, or worse if you do it wrong and fail the boss fight because doing it wrong means fighting the boss for longer and sometimes you're on your last sliver of health when the prompt to complete the seal pops up. There is a romhack that solves this by removing the seals entirely, and I don't think you can go wrong with that.

You should play Dawn of Sorrow, but it's best enjoyed as a later selection for fans making their way through every Igavania.
Oh and Julius mode whips dude.

The generic artstyle aside, I've always been pretty partial to Dawn of Sorrow. I actually found the gameplay a lot more enjoyable than Aria.

Very nice game at all but the last part (Abyss) is a very ugly and weird scenario and it seems to be make just to increase the size of the game. The musics are very generic. But the gameplay is really fun. I liked to play it more than Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia.

getting enemy souls sucks, not much of interest going on overall

Awesome sequel to an awesome game. Played without the seals as i heard of thier infamy. The bosses and souls in this game look and feel amazing with unique designs and moves. The story is whatever but the charactters are really cool. The castle design is very tight and the powerups are great. You can really feel the jump in power from the gameboy advance however i feel this game has way lower lows than its predecessor.

Before I start the review I'm going to make clear I played a mod that restored original portraits and got rid of the magic seal mechanic.

The final DS game I played
Story wise I see it as pointless, the first game with Soma wrapped up the story wonderfully so this just felt completely unnecessary from a story perspective, especially since it felt like just a rehash of the basic plot of Aria.

Gameplay wise it's similar to the rest of the DS trilogy with the slower movement and solid combat. I honestly don't know what else to say with this game that hasn't been said in the other DS reviews.

Dawn of Sorrow tinha um potencial tão grande pra ser melhor que o Symphony of The Night, mas ele acaba sendo o SOTN com o adicional das mecânicas de Aria of Sorrow, mas não é um jogo ruim, só poderia ser mais do que foi;

Já tirando a primeira coisa da lista, o sistema de selar os bosses, por quê? Por quê isso existe? Toda vez que eu termino a luta eu tenho que desbloquear a tela do J2 Prime do Soma, é uma das mecânicas mais desnecessárias da franquia, além de ter que ser preciso com a caneta (ou mouse), ainda tem que ser rápido senão você perde e tem que lutar mais um pouco.

Em contra ponto, o jogo trouxe uma ideia muito boa com a mecânica de almas que foi a fusão de armas com almas que permite criar espadas, lanças, etc. mais fortes (com uma farmada que tu vai ter que fazer lá pro final mas suave). Isso tornou a busca por almas ser algo mais recompensador.

A própria mecânica de almas melhorou também, trazendo até familiares, aliados que tinham no SOTN como almas que consomem MP de forma passiva. Tem novas almas muito bem animadas que permitem combinações muito boas com outras.

O game também oferece algumas mecânicas com o toque da caneta do DS, mas é uma pequena parte da gameplay que você até esquece depois, poderia ter sido mais usado ou totalmente descartado e te levado o sistema de selamento junto.

Uma coisa a se elogiar aqui é a pixel art que é linda, é claro que não é no nível de SOTN, apesar de usar alguns sprites do jogo de PS1, mas pra um nível de DS, é muito bom.

Mas isso eu falo pra pixel art, por outro lado nessa arte de anime, meu Deus, a Ayami Kojima devia ter tirado férias na época pra explicar o quão feio é esse traço de anime genérico anos 2000. Ainda bem que isso não se tornou o comum da franquia.

O jogo sofreu um dos pequenos problemas de SOTN que foi a facilitação pro final do jogo dependendo do quanto você explorou o castelo, o que no meu no caso não foi muito, mas meu equipamento já estava bom. Fora que o chefe final não ajuda muito, sendo até meio decepcionante comparado a outras batalhas que você teve antes.

Em geral não é um jogo ruim, é bom, o problema é que você conhece o melhor e espera o que vem depois ser melhor ainda, o que gera esse sentimento de poderia ser mais.

What happened to the artstyle what

Great game, dumb seals. I prefer Aria solely because of the seal problem and that navigating is noticably harder. Still good though.

this game is slightly worse than aria in every aspect except for the souls which were a big improvement
i liked playing through it still since it's the same foundation as aria but definetly my least favorite of the ds titles

A worthy successor of the previous GBA entry, but the artwork style change feels odd, ignoring that, is a pretty well game, with the exception of the forced touchscreen mechanics

I don't care about the art style being worse because I skip the cutscenes
Soma's sprite looks better here than in AoS so that's a win for me

I played this as part of a rush of Castlevania games. All of these games cost me a pretty penny, but this one did not leave my money feeling wasted. It's essentially the same as the GBA game, but after finishing that one, more of the same was what I wanted.

Dawn of Sorrow is built on the same skeleton as Aria of Sorrow, utilizing the monster soul system on top of the standard igavania formula, and for the most part it’s a worthy inheritor of that bone structure. It mostly plays things safe but with some tweaks here and there for better and worse.

For the better, the weapon upgrade system is great and feels like a natural extension of the soul system, and is yet another thing that makes every play through feel unique if you just let the chips lay where they fall instead of grinding. I also adore the use of DS style 3D in the background of various screens, the town area you keep returning to with the clock tower in the background looms large in my mind as I think of my time with the game. I also adore the puppet master ability that allows you to swap positions with a dummy, that leads to some really interesting progression blockers.

On the negative side I think there are two big things that stick out to people - the touch screen gimmicks and generic anime portraits. These are both things that annoyed me, particularly the touch screen gimmicks like the symbol drawing you have to do to defeat every boss in the game. That being said, I don’t think either of them interrupt the core loop I’m there for so much so that it ruins the game for me. I know there’s a fan patch that remedies some of this that I may try out at some point as well. I think for me the biggest issue was just that the level design wasn’t all that great. There are some areas I’d absolutely dread returning to because they’re so tedious to navigate, and the warp rooms always seemed to be placed in such a way where I wasn’t able to avoid the worst bits. I think just playing through the game normally this wouldn’t have bothered me as much, but going for 100% and grinding for some particular souls really made the navigation grate on me by the end.

All in all though, it’s an igavania that really works on a systems level, just adding a little bit more on top of the sublime system of its predecessor, and that’s all I really need in one of these.

One of the most mid Castlevania games i've played not a bad game but, The castle is one of the weakest castles in the series. The souls skills in great majority are all boring, and the bosses are almost all a bullet sponge that deals a huge amount of damage, but if you equip the devil soul and stock a lot of hp potions you can tank all of them... also the seals are not an interesting mechanic and sometimes if you do too fast or too slow it will fail.. its just dumb, idk.
The music and the pixel art of DS era still amazing. also i like the weapon evolution system.
Overall it just feel rushed.