Reviews from

in the past

An improvement over the first one, way better combat system, played solo and enjoyed it way more. I`ll play a 4 player campaign soon and update this review

Played this game with friends and it was fun, but man it was long and the story was very hard for us to follow (by the end, none of us knew what was going on in the main story).

FIrst thing me and my friend did when we entered this game was murder our third friend

This was larian's pre-baldur's gate 3, fully voiced and everything. combat doesn't flow as smoothly and the writing isn't as good (but still MUCH better than a lot of other games), but for 2018 this game is still really good in terms of RPG gaming and replay value. There's honestly no reason to buy this now that BG3 is out. The only reasons you would are because A: you've finished baldur's gate 3 in every way possible and still want more B: don't have enough money for BG3 but will catch a D:OS II on sale C: you only own a switch but want to play BG3

One of the greatest RPGs I've ever played.

это как балдур гейт 3 только боевка лучше

Originally i got this on the Switch and i had a lot of fun with its gameplay but i stopped before finishing it, i need to get back to it someday

i like this game a normal amount. fun to play with friends but i had the most fun with it alone. it's not the best game i've played, but it is my favourite for many reasons — it's unpolished, but in a way that is more charming rather than annoying, the performances are wonderful, and the combat is unlike anything i've ever experienced, and made me a turn-based rpg fan.

you'll probably feel some frustration as the game trudges towards the end (larian is notoriously awful at realizing their final areas) but it's an amazing experience all the while. i like it better than baldur's gate 3.

"i sacrificed much, and i'd give even more to see you become exactly what you've become." <3

Adorei o jogo mas jogar ele as cegas como eu fiz sem guias foi bem complicado sla acho que dava pra balancear melhor e olha que eu estava no normal, a história do mundo e personagens me prendia bastante e me deixava cada vez mais curioso das quais as aventuras eu ainda poderia desbravar (claro o combate as vezes buga ) mas ainda você pode se divertir.
Tirando o balanceamento meu único problema com o jogo foi a reta final que parecia ser muito desinteressante comparado com os atos anteriores, arx parece ser meio apressada pra finalizar as coisas tanto que nem lembro direito o que eu fiz lá de tão rápido que foi mas tirando isso e um ótimo jogo

Estava empolgado com o game devido a bela repercussão dele, mas não é pra mim, muita história e pouca gameplay

The combat in this game is simply wonderful. I love how much one piece of equipment can radically shift the style of play that you want to pursue. It's not as well executed for multiplayer as Baldur's Gate 3 is, but it is a great game to play if one is interested in Larian after that game.

Buen CRPG adaptación de Dungeons & Dragons hecha videojuego con una interactividad con el entorno casi demencial.