Reviews from

in the past

The general story and themes of the game are well thought out and executed greatly. Every character is interesting, although due to the game's structure, many aren't as expanded upon as I'd like. Of course, I have to mention the music; it's a stellar ost! I love to listen to it as i do homework

While a good idea, the combat is not up to snuff. I appreciate the concept of learning enemies attack patterns in a strategy game but a lot of the time, it can just feel like random bullshit

Overall, I'd say this game isn't something I'd recommend to anyone, but if you're a Fate fan and want to check out a fun atmospheric game written by Nasu himself, I'd say check it out!

I really love Dungeon Crawlers and I loved this game's setting. In a way, it reminded me a bit of MegaMan Battle Network. The Rock-Paper-Scissors was cool, but it was a little stresful at times, mainly while fighting other Servants.