Reviews from

in the past

So, I want to start by saying that there has NEVER been a BAD Official Mario game. So when I say I did not like Partner's in Time as much, I'm not calling the game bad. Just..Mid. Well, let's start with the positives.

The battles are still just as entertaining as I remembered them to be. Synchronizing attacks with the babies and adults creates creative combos and awesome special attacks. If you get good at your coordination, special attacks like Trampoliners and Copy Flower become downright BROKEN against bosses. I also like how there was very little grinding needed to beat this game. Sometimes, I prefer a short, easy RPG that doesn't require much commitment.

The environments are pretty unique too, with tons of puzzles sprinkled through them. For example, in the desert, you have to split up the adults and babies to hit blocks simultaneously to unlock doors.

Secondly, while I won't spoil the final boss, it was very epic and satisfying to defeat, even if it came out of left field. Yes, even THAT part.

Lastly, the graphics and music are great here, with the characters looking way more expressive in cutscenes than of Superstar Saga. I find myself listening to the desert theme a lot, although I can't remember some other things.

Ok, onto the disappointing. The Time Travel mechanic of the story felt undercooked. Like, you go to environments in the past, but nothing about them gives the impression that this is unique to the past and not the present. Wouldn't it be cool to see the past and present versions of the same locations, and see aged-up characters? That way, we won't be stuck in Princess Peach's Castle! This idea is KINDA played with a younger Professor E.Gadd getting an idea that transfers to present E.Gadd, but that's it! So lame!

Moreover, the main villain, the Shroob Princess, is underwhelming. They play up the terror of the Shroob army, how large they are, and how foreign they are in their customs and language, but since we never get any more motivation or dialogue between the heroes and villains, it ends up being underwhelming. Now hold on, hold on. Yes, Mario villains aren't always complex, nor do they have to be to have a good story or gameplay. But when you get villains like Bowser or Fawfull in Bowser's Inside Story, simple characters with tons of interaction and witty dialogue, it makes up for the simple plot!

This entire game feels like beta Bowser's Inside Story because there isn't much of the witty humor or fun interactions that are in that game. Frankly, if you ONLY had one M&L game to play in your entire life, skip this one and go to Bowser's Inside Story, the best game in the franchise. Still, if you want a little more fun and some cool time-travel shenanigans, this game ain't too bad.

what a great game that i am not really a fan of at all, and it pains me to say this because the core of this game is really great, and it starts off so strong too. but i think my main sour point with this game derives from the bosses.

a disclaimer. i played the NORTH AMERICAN version of this game, since i am a filthy american, and this is the version of the game where the developers presumably did several lines of coke and thought it would be a fucking great idea to make every single boss in the latter half of the game an HP sponge snoozefest that act as utter brick walls to both the pacing and my overall enjoyment of the game. i am not joking when i say that this game has some of my least favorite bosses in any RPG i've ever played, and i hate that i have to say this because i was actually praising how good the bosses were in the first half. i think the turning point for me was the shrooboid brat in gritzy desert, which i didn't mind all that much but thought its HP was a bit too high for my liking, then it all went downhill from there. it snowballs until the final boss where it has so much HP it's borderline comical. to only compound this problem is some of the bros attacks in this game, specifically the flower abilities, genuinely hurt my hands. i don't think i'll ever replay this game due to the fear that i'll actually develop carpal tunnel syndrome. i hear that the japanese and european versions rebalance the bosses significantly, so if there's an english option in the european version, i would practically beg you to play that version instead.

this is a little off topic but it still pertains to this game: it genuinely makes me upset that bowser's inside story got the remake treatment instead of this game. BIS is already an almost perfect game as it is and this game would actually benefit from a remake. hell, i'll even take a european ROM of the game on the virtual console. i understand why alphadream chose to remake BIS instead, (money, at least that's what they hoped. if you wanna shave a couple years of your lifespan go look up the BIS remake's sales numbers) but man is it still disappointing.

TL;DR if you wanna play this game, play the japanese or european version if you're not a fucking masochist

It's fine. It's not as good as Superstar Saga in multiple ways. I got used to the controls eventually, but having four characters is unecessary. Some really awkward platforming sections (really disliked every time I had to use the flat baby and fan combo to do stuff). Minigames were kind of mediocre. Combat is still fine save for having the babies be the only ones with hammers -- I didn't mind the consumable Bros. Attacks stuff as much as I thought since you get so many of them. I didn't hate my time with it but it's a bit of a filler entry.

this one is the best mario & luigi game out there if u dont agree ur stupid and wrong

le meilleur thème de combat de la saga

Provavelmente o mais dificil dos Mario & Luigi, uma história diferente e BEM LEVEMENTE "pesada" quando analisada, bom jogo mas não jogaria de novo devido ao perrengue que é os final boss.

my first of the series... the story is awesome the gameplay is awesome the music is awesome. good rpg

que pedo con los aliens
digo que en 2005 no se andaban con mamadas

I love that this game honors the charm of its predecessor. I'll never get over Mario and Luigi's generic Italian gibberish. Despite its charm, I think this game succeeds merely
to show off the Nintendo DS's functionality (i.e. "x" and "y" button integration for previously revealed moves) rather than enhancing gameplay or story. The puzzles seemed repetitive and the stages didn't seem as immersive as the first entry to this series.

Super good and weirdly dark game with the exception of the final boss really sucking, and I could just never beat it as a kid.

Lowkey i got lost a lot playing this but maybe cause i was like 10

got to the yoshi part iirc, stopped for other games. will return one day

As much as I want to love this game, the present is almost completely unutilized from what I've played. Its just used as a hub to time travel to the past. I also find it kinda annoying that the BP system was replaced with simply purchasing Bros. Attacks from the shop. My first point might change if I ever get to finish it but I probably won't get to it.

Mario RPGs are the most turn-based fun you can have.

Im really sad this game isnt talked about as much as both Bowser's inside story or Dream Team, because this game is really good. its short but its plot is super intruiging. gameplay is more of Superstar Saga but on the DS, and since its on the DS it uses both screens in combat which is really cute! the top screen being used as a map during exploration makes sense. the way the show the map on the top looks wonky a bit but i understand what they were trying to do. soundtrack isnt the best in this title but its still really good. maybe its cause the game is darker in nature but it feels like there are less headbangers in this game than in the others.

overall i had a great time with this game. i reccomend it to anybody who hasnt played it or hasnt played any other M&L Games. (but if you really havent just play Superstar Saga or its Remake)

Using all 4 buttons kind of cramps my hands.
A lot more focus on dungeon crawling, which is neat.
The shroobs are great villains; silly, but also very threatening. Time travel plot is full of awesome character interactions.
Not as good as most Mario and Luigi games but still a great time