Reviews from

in the past

I went in to this game expecting it to be brutally difficult, which it partially was. Tough platforming sections, spongey enemies, and incredibly unforgiving boss patterns were plentiful. However, I never found it unfair, every time I died or game overed, it was always my fault. The difficulty was also a breath of fresh air for a series I felt peaked in terms of challenge with the first game on NES, especially lacking in the seventh and eighth entries. The final gauntlet before Wily was particularly gripping, as it handled the boss rush in the same way as Mega Man X with some of the best disappearing block sections in the series. Weapons are also pretty useful, with the Ice Wall in particular actually being integrated in level design with Mega Man's campaign.

This was the first classic Mega Man game I ever played as a kid, since it was the only one ported to GBA. I only wanted to play as Bass, but I struggled to actually beat any bosses as him because they tend to have lengthy invulnerability periods after getting hit by only a single one of his rapid fire buster shots, so I mostly just played the opening stage and the first three Robot Master stages over and over again on the school bus or car rides. (I did eventually get to the later stages of the game in middle school, though I don't think I ever beat King's castle.) As such I'll always be extremely nostalgic for this version and its crunchy soundtrack, even if the logical part of my brain knows it's the inferior version of what's already a pretty mid-tier Mega Man game.

Mega man and bass is often described as a very difficult and unfair game, but that wasn't gonna stop an epic gamer like me from giving the game a try. Boi am i glad i gave this game a shot because for me, this is easily a top 5 mega man game.

You get to choose between 2 characters to play as which are of course Mega man and Bass. In my playtrough i decided to play as Bass.
Bass is really fricking fun to play as! He has a dash, a double jump and his base weapon has the abilty to fire rapidly in almost all directions. The weapons that Bass acquires throughout the game are all very fun. Copy vision, lighting bolt and spread drill are my favorite weapons.

Copy vision creates a clone of Bass fires for a few seconds and then disappears, and thats cool as fuck!

Lighting bolt summons a bunch of lightings that will inflict damage on everything on your screen.

Spread drill shoots a giants ass drill tha can transform into smaller drills.

You can also buy many upgrades by using bolts acquired during levels. These upgrades are very useful and some of them are definitely worth buying to give yourself an easier time, the one that i mostly used is the one that upgrades your base weapon which is very useful for both enemies and bosses.

I was a huge of fan of the levels in this game.
Every single level is just the right lenght and all of them are unique, challenging and very fun to go through.
My favorite levels are: Magic man's stage, cold man's stage and astro man's stage.

The bosses are hit or miss. Some bosses in the game are very solid but some bosses are straight up poo poo stinkers.
King, burner man, cold man, magic man and ground man? Very great bosses and my personal favorites of this game.
King's tank, atetemino, jet king robo and green devil? EW! DOO DOO! POO POO! STINKY BOSSES!

The graphics are very nice and colourful, like seriously every single stage looks really good in my eyes.

The music is pretty great. Some of my favorite tracks include: the robot museum, king stages, boss battle and astro man stage.

So yeah i really like this game! Wanted to make a short review during school since i was bored.

Play this. It is one of the hardest games I have ever finished, but so satisfying to do well.