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Á gameplay além de evoluir, vê uma mudança de localização que ajuda muito na dissernição dos jogos antigos, adição do CQC e uso dos equipamentos mais analógicos da época da guerra fria deixou á gameplay ainda mais gostosa, variedade de armas, camuflagem e tu poder caçar tbm ajudam muito pra imergir na proposta do game e á historia é algo que eu vou contar aos meus netos, usa de um contexto historico forte pra construir e desenvolver seus personagens além de falar sobre como o ciclo das guerras é sem sentido e o quanto é triste o fato de que o mundo nunca vai conseguir ser um só, ideologias e cede de poder são maiores que tudo na raça humana, o monologo de the boss seguido da luta final contra á mesma é um dos momentos que deveriam ser colocados num museu na historia dos games e é muito triste que o sonho dela nunca vai deixar de ser um só um sonho.

E aqui se encerra o'que eu posso jogar da série Metal Gear....(na verdade tenho como jogar o 5 mas não o 4 e não quero pular o 4)

E bom, o Metal Gear Solid 3 foi uma esperiencia que apesar de muito boa,do saldo ser muito positivo algumas decisões de mudanças dos Metal Gear 1 e 2 para o 3 não me agradam como é o caso do sistema de vida, nele você não usa mais ration para recuperar vida você come animais para recuperar estamina que faz a sua vida encher aos poucos e mesmo que isso ate deixe as sessões stealth um pouco mais fáceis nas boss battles é diferente, já que os bosses dão muito dano e mesmo com a barra de estamina cheia, sua vida não enche rápido o suficiente, algo menos prático do que ter uma barra de vida a cada ration, e apesar de não gostar muito ate entendo o raciocínio dessa mudança mas o inventário limitado e administrado por menus é um retrocesso de algo que já tinha sido resolvido no primeiro jogo da série.....não faz sentido......

Mas enfim, o jogo começa com o Snake (que eu até o momento acreditava ser o mesmo Snake dos jogos anteriores) sendo lançado no meio de uma selva amarelada, uma coisa que eu não gosto do codec desse jogo é que as fotos dos personagens são estaticas diferente do 1 e do 2, e a missão de resgatar o sokolov pela primeira vez ja me fez morrer uma porrada de vezes por não poder falar com ele estando em estado de alerta, a historia desse jogo se passa pré tudo antes mesmo dos metal gears que a gente vê nos jogos passados nem serem iniciados ainda e é muito legal quando você encontra o cientista que projetou o metal gear e ele é velho bêbado que te ajuda a avançar no jogo
As batalhas de chefe desse jogo, principalmente a do the fear e do ocelot foram a coisa que mais me frustou no jogo por que a mira é muito sensível e lenta e o sistema de vida ruim para boss battles tornam elas muito difíceis,essas primeiras pois as mais pro final são mais tranquilas
O the Fear por exemplo foi um que eu chequei na área dele, não conseguia enxergar ele pulando de árvore em árvore e pensei ser imposivel de passar, mas graças a shotgun e os thermal googles foi possível
A gimmick que quebra a 4° parede desse Metal Gear é o The End, que você pode so salvar e sair, esperar uma semana e voltar pro jogo ou mudar a data do console e pronto, ele morre de velhice, muito maneiro essas brincadeiras com a midia videogame que Metal Gear faz é genial demais
A primeira luta contra o Volgin tem uma coisa que eu me incomodo da franquia Metal Gear, que é a falta de tutoriais in game um pouco mais presentes de habilidades stealth, não to dizendo para emcher de tutorial é so que eu nunca ia saber como derrubar o Volgin sem olhar na internet
O final do jogo me lembra a perseguição final do Solid 1, você e sua parceira fugindo vilão, essa parte é tranquila, munição infinita e balas quentes, a luta da The Boss é a com o cenário mais bonito do jogo, aquele mar de flores brancas lindo mas como era impossível de enxergar a The Boss,tive que usar os thermal googles e não se vé a beleza do cenario ao maximo, e mesmo sendo meio dificil não demorei muito parar passar dela

A historia da The Boss,dos philosophers e da Eva é muito boa

It's the best game ever made. It's not close. It's a fucking slaughter.

contender for one of the best games on the PS2, and by extension of all time. this game has aged like the water that jesus turned to wine. i dont think i can say anything about it that hasnt been said though
personal highlight for me every time i replay it is the fight against The Fury. i never figured out how his AI works so every time i face the dude it's always an incredibly tense battle as i'm like a small rat hiding away trying to gain whatever slight advantage i can, it's so fun.

I finished it again. Still the greatest game of all time.

I thought Metal Gear Solid was already so good and it couldn’t get any better then I played 2, and then I thought no way they’re topping this?? Then I played Metal Gear Solid 3.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is simply put a masterpiece from the get go. From the setting to the gameplay mechanics to the soundtrack to the story. Everything is upped to 10 and literally everything is innovated upon from MGS2. This is a must play and stealth action at its peak.

MGS3 has made such a huge impact to gaming it’s crazy, so many modern mechanics that games implement can be found here such as healing your character in a realistic way, hunting for animals and eating so your character doesn’t get tired, and so much more.

The character of Naked Snake is so freaking good too going to explore the character of big boss was such a great idea and it’s so cool to see where it all started. Just like Solid Snake Big Boss is a great and layered character and seeing his journey from virtuous mission to snake eater was amazing. You develop such great relationships with characters like Eva and Ocelot throughout playing the game.

The story is so amazing, Kojima leaning in to the James Bond esque story and vibe was such a great choice and the story is filled with so many twists. The ending and final boss of MGS3 is one of the best in gaming. And man the soundtrackkkk Snake Eater is the best theme in gaming idc.

The Boss is also arguably the greatest female character in gaming history. A character with so much depth and hearing her story throughout the story was so insane. She been through it😭

Boss fights were so good too the cobras really put you through the ringer and I love all the top action and crazy fight scenes. Adapting in this game is some of the best ever having to strategize for different areas and enemies.

I can’t wait for MGS Delta, hopefully Konami does a good job with it cus this game is so so good and deserves the best remake.


Let's set the SCENE. Started this on a flight to Italy on an emulator on my phone. Over the course of 10 days playing bits and pieces in various hotels in Rome and Florence. I saw the sistine chapel, attended mass in Saint Peter's Cathedral, climbed the tower of Pisa, ate half my body weight in pizza, and finished the game on the flight home. Some of these things are not like the other (seeing the sistine chapel did move me to tears), but mgs3 is an important part of the journey. While this is not the most ideal way to experience the game (the slow downs from the android ps2 emulator being the worst part) I can't deny that it is another masterpiece.

The gameplay is the best out of the first three games. Changing camos to better blend in with the environment was so awesome and I was trying to scoure as much as possible to find new ones to help me in different areas. I liked the 3rd person camera, it did get a little frustrating that it would switch between the 3rd person and the fixed camera from the first two games. Maybe I just can't control the camera very well, but this happened often enough that it was annoying. The gunplay is pretty much the same at the 2nd game which is a good thing. The stealth really received the greatest upgrade. The lack of the vision codes really makes you plan your actions more and take your time surveying the environment. That was one of my favorite things in mgs5 and is one of my favorite things in this game as well. Just everything about the gameplay in this is such an improvement.

I love the amount of variety in the environments. From the desert mountain top, the concrete bases, and to the green jungles the game is a visual treat and a nice change from all same metal bases from the first two games. Not saying the first two games are bad in this aspect (it actually makes sense for them to be a bit visually tied together since mgs2 is recreating the events of the first (spoiler)) it's just that it's a good break from that vibe.

The story is fantastic. I love how these games fold in on each other. It's more direct with the first two, but moments in this game harken back to the pervious games in ways that if you never played the others would still make sense but have extra layers of meaning to them. For me a lot of it are the boss characters matching up to bosses in the previous games which I love. I also like that naked snake is a nerd. The scenes of him talking about guns are so funny and add a interesting layer normality to a character that is so legendary in the story of mgs and in the video game space as a whole. The normality I mean is that he's human like everyone else. He to has obsessions like everyone else and makes it easier to connect with him knowing that he's as human as us. If we weren't able to connect with him his struggle in this game wouldn't be as interesting to play through and struggle he does. Snake goes through hell. Starvation, leaches, gunshot wounds, broken bones, and ghosts. Actual Ghosts. That's almost as scary as being caught in the crossfire of shadowy governments.

How do we choose our loyalty? Is it that we are just doing our jobs and we signed our names away so we don't have a choice in the matter or is it that we choose it based on the stories that are spun to control us? Does choosing a side matter when the friend and enemy change with every new event? Questions of loyalty, how it shifts as the times change, and who controls our next contract effects those choices and sets the scene.

I'll need to give this another playthrough soon. A lot fo wrap my mind around and great gameplay to experience again.

This might be the best one so far in terms of pure gameplay. Since it's an MGS game, the story is top notch too. Nothing really negative to say aside from a little nitpick, I really didn't wanna deal with an escort mission at the end... Anyway, apparently these games have plenty of secret content to offer so I might try to dive deeper into that aspect next time I play them.

possibly the best character drama in mgs to this point with possibly the most annoying boss fights in mgs to this point.
the "metal gear" fight felt like more of a trudge than the rays at the end of mgs2 even though it didn't kill me once. the climax of the game consisted of an annoying boss fight followed by an annoying on rails shooting section followed by an annoying boss fight followed by an annoying escort section, all without a break in between. the cure system felt like a pure time waster. the new camouflage system was cool and being able to eat food and heal passively was great. a lot of the systems were cool. the virtuous mission was damn near perfect. the ending was great. the writing was great metal gear writing. the big problem was that trudge of a climax, but the game was still fun and cool and good. probably the worst of the mgs trilogy though, but not by much.

İlk iki oyunda eğlendiğim kadar eğlenemedim maalesef. Karakterleri ve hikâyesi beklediğim kadar içime sinmedi. The Boss'a, hatta genel olarak MGS3'e olan bu kadar büyük sevgiye anlam veremiyorum.

Não é necessário palavras para descrever o que todos já sabem que é uma obra de arte.

This review contains spoilers

If MGS2 was already a masterpiece than MGS3 is a victory lap for Kojima.

First to discuss is the story that takes things back to basic and introduces the original Boss and her protege Snake, who both go through the traumatic experience of Operation Snake Eater to create the Big Boss we all know and love. It's definitely not as insane as MGS2s plot but doesn't have to be and alongside some of the best performances (Josh Keatons Ocelot is my favorite performance in any of the games) make this my favorite story in the series. With the perfect balance of goofy spy espionage and genuine tragedy, Snake Eater is the perfect prequel and explains why the world is so fucked up.

Gameplay wise its also a step up from the others. With the new backpack system you can FINALLY customize what you have which gets rid of the clutter of past games and make the loadout you want and change on the fly (though the game does love to auto equip the kill pistol which is annoying). Another new system is the camo system which is also brilliant, allowing Snake to become like the predator and shift through the jungles like a shadow (or look completely ridiculous). These alongside the new and improved camera make the already solid systems from 2 that much better and make this one of the best stealth games I've ever played. If I had any real complaints I would say the cure system can be a bit finnicky, as you need to be careful with it as to not waste supplies.

If its not obvious enough MGS3 is a masterpiece from beginning to end. The original version is already good but Subsistence takes it to a whole other level with the afermentioned new camera but also the OG Metal Gears too (and some exclusive stuff on the PS2 version like Snake vs Monkeys). Even if the future of Metal Gear is spotty, Snake Eater will go down as not only Kojima's best game, but one of the greatest video games of all time.


And then the bad guy meows......🚬🚬🚬

I'm just gonna come out and say it, The Boss is a terrible character.
And Snake shouldn't have been voiced by David Hayter, and he should have been like 20 instead of 30.
The game is great and The End is one of the best boss fights ever, but when it comes down to it, MGS1/2 win, that's all.

Tears continue to roll down my face an hour afterwards. What started out as a frustrating experience, turned into some of the most fun and unique experiences I've had in gaming. From the combat, to story, to gameplay, there wasn't a thing this got wrong. Never seen a more devstating yet absolutly hopeful ending. Needed this trilogy right now, and it'll certainly stick with me for a long time coming