Reviews from

in the past

it's fine but you play it once with your friends then never play again

A quirky and fun game to play with friends but not much really to recommend it as a game.

Bastante divertido para degustar com os amigos

Definitivamente não é o suprassumo dos party games mas cumpre demais com a proposta. Temos mini-games simplórios e muitíssimo funcionais, fora um humor bastante caricato e característico.

Good chaotic party game. Lots of fun with friends.

I've been following the dev blog for this game for years, and it's sad to say I had an unpleasant experience. Terrible performance, lots of connecting issues. It's a mess. You'd think with all the performance issues; it must mean the game is running complicated effects, but everything just feels like a placeholder. The fonts, the UI design, how everything moves. It's really disappointing. I can run Chrome + Red Dead 2 but not this game? How does that make any sense? As for the online and connectivity, this is probably better with local games. But I bought it with the assumption that I can play it in and out casually. And another thing, the non-default announcers sound awful. It just takes you out of the experience hearing "the developer made me say this" several times, and they also sound so unenergetic. It's so bad. I was excited to see some of my favorite people in there, just to find out they phoned it in. Much like my overall experience with the game. I was excited, then I was heavily disappointed. But hey, these are just first impressions. Still, you'd think after a couple years of this game being active on Steam, that these issues would have been fixed by now. Actually heartbroken

Un juego casual para pasar un buen rato con amigos. Muy destacable la alta re jugabilidad variada que presenta para que todas las partidas sean diferentes.