Reviews from

in the past

I hate you. You promised the best campaign ever and you threw everything in the trash for this, my favourite gaming universe has been ruined forever

doesn't even deserve a full star, game is so bad it killed someone

This review has been reworked by our ever talented dev-team over two years only to be all around less enjoyable than the original version. Gone is anything close to approaching its own identity and in its place is a new grenade ability, or something.

This ate up all our dev time- and we’re sorry to announce the promised PvE mode isn’t on the way after all. PvP will still be maintained in the comments section, thank you. Signing off, heroes!

A truly painful review, OW2 could have had it all, but Blizzard’s greed and apathy for their game have made sure that isn’t the case.

It’s been said for a while that OW fans are just chasing the feeling from years ago and it rings so true, there are no new fans to this game and these people have no reason to have interest.

OW2 seemingly has no direction other than a slow death, I’d love to be wrong but the recent rework did nothing for me to fix the game and it’s a far, far cry from the legendary status it once held.

A shame.

Um dos FPS mais divertidos e muita gente gosta, menos a Blizzard

i love overwatch to death i cant help it

Incredibly tough to review, because on one hand it's an absolute disasterclass of a sequel. It makes the first literally unplayable, it makes changes no one asked for or wanted, it didn't change or add things people wanted, and it didn't have many elements that were straight up promised to be included. Really it's nearly a complete showcase of how not to do a sequel, on the other hand, it's still mostly the experience as Overwatch 1 that everyone fell in love with. If you didn't play 1 or weren't aware of the controversy you probably wouldn't think much was wrong with Overwatch 2. It's still an incredibly fun (while more than occasionally frustrating) multiplayer experience. Deeper issues with competitive and more intricate balancing most people won't think about notwithstanding its roster of heroes is varied, most being tons of fun and interesting to play, with plenty of different synergies to mess around with for different team comps.

Especially in today's gaming landscape where there's not really the flood of successful multiplayer shooters on consoles there once was. It's still one of the better choices out there for competitive multiplayer. Even with its issues it's still better than modern COD, Battlefield, Halo. It's better than pretty much the entirety of the wave of battle royales (you could argue peak Fortnite, Apex, or Warzone over it I guess). Overall yes, it's support and more in depth meta is a mess but I still ultimately think it's towards the top of the options for a competitive multiplayer shooter right now, now whether that's more of a comment on the state of the genre or of Overwatch 2 as a game itself is certainly debatable.

I only play this cause my friends play it... also ranked is a hellhole and so is the toxic player base that insults you for no reason. Good game by design bad game by execution tbh

this game has its claws in me. its like a leech sucking my life away. i hate it i hate it so much yet i cant stop playing. its like looking at a car wreck. every time i play i get angry but fuck i just love getting angry so much. this game actually manages to make me angry even when im not playing it. i love whenever blizzard makes their game worse for no reason every few months. i just love it so much. the only thing that keeps me playing is the dopamine rushes i can only get from overwatch. i feel like an addict logging on trying to get my fix of a fun time but im almost always let down.

anyways blizzard please add a genji oiled up naked skin

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk vsf blizzard

blizzard sucks but the game itself is pretty good

Truly a shell of it's former self. The faults of the company really shine through with all the game's missteps. Practically nobody who originally made the game and it's story is there today. I've played Overwatch (the original) since it's beta launch, and it was dear to my heart.
It was one of the only games both me and my mom enjoyed, we'd always play together all the time.
It's gone now.

sería el peak si el sistema de de compe no fuera tan nazi, de verdad es algo de lo que podrían aprender de valorant

que vuelva el antiguo porfa

genuinely an insult to my intelligence

I had so much fun with this until I didn’t.

why call this a sequel when the main thing making it a sequel got scrapped entirely
its the same shit, but its alright ig

Basically the same as OW1

This game absolutely has and has had its flaws for a long time, but this is the one multiplayer PvP game I've played the most and adore the most. I did eventually drop off because all of my friends did and playing solo revealed too many flaws I couldn't ignore, and the release of Mauga really made my previously favourite role, Tank, miserable to play. While I can't say its objectively a great game, it's forever one of my favourites

It had the potential to be something so much better... F*** you Blizzard.