Reviews from

in the past

I don’t know why I bought this.

Pokemon, but with no exploration or team building.

Not for me.

Listen, I understand that this is probably objectively worse than Stadium due to the lack of content. But I actually got to transfer my team over in this game and seeing them tear through these weak ass trainers made me very happy. The "story" is just a bunch of random battles, but there's some cool gimics. The roulette colosseum was the most intense battle I've played in a minute. There's some not so cool ones though, like the random 12 pokemon colosseum (I believe it's the sunset colosseum) can suck my balls. It blows. But yeah, battling is fun in this game and looks probably the best it ever has. Even in 2024, this is the best looking battle oriented pokemon game. And it's a first year Wii game. It's crazy. But yeah, it's nothing special, but if you have an attachment to your Gen 4 team like me, I'd give it a go.

My family and friends used to get together and do battles on this back in the day. That's what it was honestly best for because otherwise, it's kinda barebones.It does have some rare gift Pokemon if you're into that sort of thing, though. The soundtrack also is really good.

Era un juego bastante logrado, y más teniendo en cuenta lo que nos venden ahora.

Conectividad con la ds para pasar tus Pokémon y poder usarlos, voces en castellano (cuando actualmente ni hay voces directamente), los gráficos buenos para su época y los Pokémon con buenas proporciones (quién es pequeño se ve así, y los Pokémon gigantes como wailord ocupa prácticamente el estadio).

Quizás si hubiera tenido alguna historia, algo sencillito como ganar un torneo, tener maestros de la saga para combatir (red, lace, Cinthya...) sería recordado como un gran juego.

Even as a kid i knew this game wasn't much of a big deal, it was some sort of fighting simulator for bigger screens, which wasn't a bad idea, considering we only had the DS back then. but that's mostly it.

No se que necesidad habia de nerfear a Pokémon Stadium así. Las animaciones son de calidad brutal. Los torneos están bien, y los equipos son mas balanceados, pero son equipos seteados. No tiene mucho gameplay por jugar solo.

imagina pedir esto todo ilusionado por navidad a tus padres y luego jugar 2-3 veces contadas

All of those where a cash grab and honestly I didn't have that much fun with it.

Retour a l'époque où je pensais que les attaques avec le plus de PP c'était les plus puissantes...