Reviews from

in the past

Gran clásico de las plataformas que todo el mundo debería jugar. A nivel gráfico y sonoro es simplemente increíble, sorprende ver como se sigue viendo en un CRT a día de hoy, casi 30 años después de su lanzamiento. A nivel jugable también está a un gran nivel: controles precisos y mucha variedad de situaciones y escenarios. Eso sí, prepárate para una dificultad a veces injusta, especialmente en los últimos niveles. Resumiendo, un clásico imprescindible del género que todo el mundo debería jugar. Una lástima que la saga lleve unos años en el olvido.

One of the very first PS1 games I ever played. I remember it being ridiculously difficult. To the point where I thought "How is anybody supposed to enjoy something this unforgiving?".

And then I played Rayman 2 on the Dreamcast several years later and it was the best fucking thing ever.

Rayman isn't a bad game. It's gorgeous, has loads of personality, is charmingly unique, and controls tightly. The problem with Rayman is that it is the type of 2D platformer I do not vibe with. Generally, I don't vibe with 2D platformers much to begin with, but Rayman is the kind I especially dislike. It reminds me a bit of Mario Kaizo and games of that likeness. Platformers where you not only need to have incredible skill with 2D platformers but also that skill sometimes just does not matter as enemies will literally spawn out of nowhere or hazards will be placed in certain spots specifically designed for you to die at. Rarely can you adjust on the fly and make it through a level with sheer skill and anticipation. Every Rayman level is an exercise of trial and error in which you constantly die to either some terrible new obstacle or the same exact obstacle you've been stuck on the past 5 lives.

It is tough as I see a really well designed and beautiful platformer. Unfortunately, it is not the kind of game I want to spend hours and hours just playing trial and error in order to finish. For now, Rayman will be abandoned as I move on to more of the original Playstation library.

That music world fucking kicked my ass

the original rayman 1! I wanna get around to playing this, maybe by doing a video on it. same with the other ray-games

dumb that the last world is locked behind getting all the collectibles

definitely a platformer, I'll give it that.

Rayman never fully connected with me as a kid, but I dug his design. The levels looked nice too. I feel like I would only ever get a few in before getting frustrated and losing interest though. Might enjoy it more on a revisit

I like the concept of playing it more than actually doing it